Hi creative friends,
Welcome to Shabby Art Boutique’s “A Year Of Self-Love” project!
It’s hard to believe that we’ve already journeyed through ten months of this incredible project.
The journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-love continues to unfold, and with the arrival of November, we have a new, inspiring theme that will help you embrace your uniqueness.
A Year of Self-Love
Throughout 2023 I’ve been offering a monthly free printable self-love card to remind you to prioritize self-care and self-love.
Once I embraced ‘self-love’ as my word for 2023, I decided to keep a journal dedicated to that theme, where I could write down my thoughts and progress throughout the year.
I’ve created monthly postcards to include in my journal and I’ll be sharing those cards here with you each month in 2023.
November Printable Self-Love Card
The postcards are standard size, 9 cm x 14 cm (3.5″ x 5.5″), and can be used back to back to create a double sided postcard or alternatively used as two separate journal cards.
Note: Instructions on how to create the double sided card is included on the free printable.
Our November free printable card features a beautiful design that encapsulates the essence of self-love.
With a backdrop of delicate pink florals and butterflies, the card carries a message that encourages you to celebrate your individuality.
“I stand tall in my uniqueness” is a reminder that every person is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, and our quirks and differences are what make us beautiful and special.
You can print this card and place it in a spot where you’ll see it every day, whether it’s on your desk, your bathroom mirror, or your nightstand.
In a world that often encourages conformity, embracing your uniqueness can be a revolutionary act of self-love.
It’s about acknowledging and appreciating your distinct qualities, quirks, and talents.
How to Access the Free Printable Self-Love Card:
You’ll find the November Self-Love card ready to download in the Newsletter Subscribers Printable Library – the password to this page is on the bottom of your latest newsletter.
Not yet a member?
No problem, simply sign up for the Shabby Art Boutique newsletter and get instant access to all of the free printables in the library.
I hope this years theme resonates with you too!
See the previous postcards here:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July , August, September., and October.
I’d love to see how you use the postcards in your creative projects this year, so please feel welcome to share them in our Facebook group, Simply Shabbilicious.
Happy crafting!
Let’s be friends on….
Get instant access to the free printables in my Newsletter Printables
Library by joining my email newsletter subscriber’s list.
I send out a weekly newsletters with updates on all things
‘shabbilicious’ at Shabby Art Boutique.
I invite you to join our fabulous and friendly
Facebook group – Simply Shabbilicious
where you’ll enjoy our friendly banter and inspirational creativity.
I would love to join your support group ASAP! thank-you and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
This is so important, a path I have jumped back on after some turbulent seasons. You are so creative Kerryanne! Hugs xx Tanya