Sometimes life gets crazy busy.
I’m sure almost everyone relates… right?
I love blogging, I love running my own business and I even enjoy all the social interaction…
But, sometimes when the busyness become overwhelming, it’s time for a social media mini-break.
In general, I cope pretty well with our lifestyle and the permanent busyness, but recently I recognised the signs that my world was starting to unravel.
A couple of weeks ago, my 2 year old desktop computer died a premature death when our sea air corroded the inside. [Ack… that was annoying]
I was able to arrange for a new one to be made fairly quickly and juggled business issues on other devises for a week. When I picked up my new computer and reloaded my programs, one of my email addresses downloaded every old email from the server…. all 38,000 of them!!
It wasn’t the end of the world… but I kind of crumbled. I guess, it was as the saying goes “The straw that broke the camel’s back”.
Lots of little things culminating, weeks of trying to wear many hats and then adding just one more thing… I was done.
I felt tired.
I felt unorganised.
I felt overwhelmed.
I needed a break from all the busyness and the constant need to update social media, post, comment, scroll, pin, and analyse.
Let’s be realistic here…. when you have a business you can’t just decide to log out completely, but there are things you can do that help you to switch off and lighten the load.
How I logged out:
1. The world wouldn’t end if I wrote less blog posts for a short while.
2. I started fresh with my email system. Yep, I deleted the lot!!
3. I stopped all notifications on my phone and unsubscribed from unnecessary emails.
4. I scheduled a few things on social media and then decided to log out and only check in once a day for 10 minutes. I ignored my Facebook newsfeed and I stopped the scrolling!!
5. I turned my computer off during the day for a week.
Once I put some measures in place to slow down online, I concentrated on being more present in my daily life.
How I refuelled and found my balance:
1. I needed some self love and me time… I took myself off for a remedial massage.
2. I meditated on the beach every day. I generally do that anyway, but I made sure that I used that time wisely and didn’t think about any other aspects of my life during that time.
3. I allowed more time for sleep, exercise and yoga.
4. I decided to be really mindful about my eating and in particular, upped my water intake.
5. I escaped to my craft room for creative time.
6. And best of all, I spent time with my family and friends.
Recognising that I needed to log out… shut down… and refuel gave me an opportunity to catch my breath.
I feel much more centred, balanced and ready to take on the world again. My creative mojo got a bit of a kick-start too and I’m feeling totally energised.
You know, I’ve probably missed a few opportunities or things going on in cyberspace, but nothing major has happened. My blog is still there, as are all my social media accounts and most likely most people haven’t noticed my absence.
So my friends, it’s okay to occasionally log out, shut down and give yourself the chance to be peaceful.
I plan on easing back into things and will attempt to be more conscious of how I spend my time online.
Good night my friends,
Hugs – Kerryanne
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That’s exactly what I have just done, Kerryanne.
My old laptop, which held my entire business life, died. Hubby just started a 4 week holiday after 21 months working 6 days a week without a break so he got me a new laptop and set it up transferring everything over…like you I had over 50,000 emails and five years of filling every other folder in Outlook. Last night I realised most of it could be deleted so I did just that. Wow…the weight that fell from my shoulders and mind was phenomenal.
I’m taking the next three weeks slower than usual and embracing each day with renewed thankfulness.
Enjoy your break, hon. Bless you heaps!
I agree, but I was forced to wind down by having a nasty accident with my little finger. Slipped on wet pavers, put hand out for fence , fence had wire for plant growing up, hello plastic surgery, or perhaps micro surgery. That was 6 weeks ago and after operation, hand therapy later and next week I get final dressings off. I have missed my quilting etc. but they are still on the design wall waiting, so take time out, ignore Facebook, etc. we missed you but we are happy to have you back.
All the best from Downunder.
I think we all tend to forget how important “Me” time and “Quiet” time are.
Everything is so digital these days that it is easy to forget that you can escape by hitting the ‘off’ button from time to time.
Glad you found your break refreshing.
Look after yourself Kerryanne.
BIG (((hugs)))
Toni xx
Hey Kerryanne! I so know where you’re coming from! (Not really a surprise, since we tend to GET each other! :0) ) A couple of months ago we got tired of the constant stream of negative input on TV and just … switched off – GASP! We downloaded some of our fave whodunnit series and watched a couple each night together … no adds, no bad news … no Donald Trump!! :0) It was like a mini-holiday, but boy did we get some strange looks when we told people what we were doing. I also periodically drop offline from blogging and FB-ing when life puts my head into overdrive. A good book and a cup of tea … and some theraputinc crafting time! … works wonders. Hope your batteries are recharged. Big Squooshy Bear Hugs! KRIS xx
You are so right! This blogging thing can consume quickly! Great advice!
Good for you, Kerryanne! I commend you for knowing what you needed and giving it to yourself!