As you probably know by now I’m a very organised person…hhmm… some would even say a touch anal perhaps. I happen to like boxes, oh and labels too. In fact everything in my studio fits into a box category. That’s not to say that my studio is always tidy or organised – it gets messy just like everyone elses. The difference is, when I do have a clean up everything has a place to go…probably in a box. One that is labeled.
You’d be wondering why on earth I would need a makeshift studio when I already have a studio and a classroom – right? Well I don’t need it right now but later in the year I am moving into a makeshift studio and I’m getting organised now. Hence the boxes. I have labels too…hee hee
Okay, here’s the short version of the continuing saga of the Osteitis Pubis. After lots of tests, doctors appointments etc my surgeon decided a few months back that there was no alternative but to have Pelvic Reconstruction surgery. Unfortunately he is booked solid until December so I am continuing on my ‘aggressive rest’ although it is not as hard to stick to now as my mobility is decreasing by the week. I am housebound now anyway and am starting to struggle getting around. My lovely parents have been staying a couple of days a week to help with shopping, housework etc – I am totally spoilt!!!
So surgery is booked for the first week of December which seemed like such a long way off when we booked it but several months down the track and the time is actually flying by. So here’s the bad part – because I am having bone grafts I will have to remain non-weight bearing for 12 weeks following the surgery. Oh my….I can’t imagine myself sitting still. It is so not me. After my initial hospital stay I will come home to spend 2 weeks flat on my back in bed with toilet privileges with a wheel chair. Then I can get up with crutches for 6 – 8 weeks. Hopefully by 12 weeks I can start physio.
So what is one to do while confined to the house…during summer….and not able to walk? I’m always able to find a positive and I think I have found one in this little saga – I’ll spend my days in the ‘Makeshift Studio’ crafting!!!
Sometime ago we painted our formal lounge dining room and decided to get rid of our dining table. Of course we were intending to buy another but it just didn’t happen right away. Then I noticed how wonderful the light was in this room with its 2 walls of windows facing north and it’s polished floorboards. Quick as a flash I moved my easel in there with the intention of painting – just for me. I know, I know, I always say that I leave my work in the studio and it mustn’t come up to the house…..but this wasn’t work and besides, once the easel was set up the room didn’t look empty and hubby wasn’t rushing out to buy a new table. Sooooo, here is the perfect makeshift studio while I convalesce. I’ve already purchased lots of canvases, plus the boxes of vintage treasures that appear to be actually breeding when no-one is watching. I’m packing necessities into labelled boxes so when I need them someone can shoot downstairs to the studio and get what I need. Hopefully this will keep me busy throughout the summer – hell of a way to spend my summer. Of course I’d rather be having walks on the beach or lovely day trips but if I have to be incapacitated I may as well be doing something I love.
I plan to have a laptop on wireless by then so I can at least stay in touch with the cyber world. Of course I have to close Woodberry Designs for a couple of months but I usually close for a month over Dec and Jan anyway. I hope to re-open sometime in Feb depending on how mobile i am. It’s a shame there are so many stairs between my studio and the house.
So my friends, I am trying to make the best of a horrid situation. Honestly, it seems to have been one thing after another this year with our family. The Queen famously had her ‘Annus Horribulis’ in 1992 and I think I can safely say, even though we are only 2/3 the way through the year, that the English family is having their ‘Annus Horriblis’ in 2008. Our problems all seem to be health related unlike her Majesty who was lamenting her children’s failed marriages….oh, and there was the Fergie toe sucking fiasco, which really I think was a bit of a hoot. Fergie really spiced up royalty for awhile there….LOL
So hopefully our Annus Horribilis will be complete come New Year’s Eve and I’ll be sure to ring in the New Year with a celebratory toast…..sitting down of course!!
Back to my packing. I’m currently flagging some of the many magazine projects that I have always wanted to make and never had the time to do. Now I have time!!!
Don’t worry Kerryanne we will keep you entertained as long as you can keep yourself cool and comfy! Last year was my revolting year and I decided that it was because it was an odd numbered year and this year would be better because it was an even number and it is so fdar…touch wood, so maybe you work the other way and odd is good for you…but then again we always knew you were odd!!! kiss noises Linda Lilly Cottage
Oh wow you sure are organised! I hope you’re not in too much pain moving those boxes around. I love your positive attitude, you are definitely making lemons out of lemonade!!
Hey Kerryanne! Perhaps I should schedule a visit to Melbourne in January to share your ‘lemonade’!! And like Lilly Linda said, your cyber buddies will DEFINITELY keep you entertained!!! You’re also my new hero, as I doubt that I could look at everything as positively as you are – I’m a scaredy-cat chicken!! Hmmm, think I just invented a new creature! And when you’re over your recuperation, I think I’ll pay for you to visit so you can organise MY sewing room! Tee! Hee! Hee! Take care and happy organising – at least it will keep you warm!! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)
Oh my, it sounds like you have some rough times coming up! But a temporary art studio should help a great deal, good idea!
Poor you!
I had pubic symphasis with one of my pregnancies leaving me on crutches and then bed rest only…
Absolutely debilatating!
So can onlyu imagine for you…
My deepest thoughts are with you.
Thanks for popping by my blog again today to tease me and my cavorts with the cow!….Was fun!
And I am soooo super excited to see You have “ME”..”ME” ON your sidebar!!!
I think you are the first to add me.
I have you too!
Take Care and rest up!
Dear Kerryanne, I am sorry to hear of all that is in front of you, you sound like such a positive person. I am sure your temporary art studio will keep your mind off your problems & I want to hear how you are going via your blog. With many warm wishes & keep your spirits up during the coming months ahead, love Mariex
Kerryanne dear,
You are just the sort of person I need around here, can you genie-fy yourself into an aladdin lamp. I am going through nesting madness and pregnancy hormones I’ve just learnt slows you down a little 😀 I hope though that you are keeping well, hows your back?
chat soon, Adla