Recently my mum and I had a ‘girls day out’ in the country. We spent our day scouring through old antique stores and steptoe yards looking for treasures. My mum spotted me eyeing off this gorgeous tea set which she later gave to me when we got home. How lucky am I?
Why is it that tea always tastes better when drunk from a fine china teacup? I certainly feel like a lady when I drink my green tea from this pretty teacup.
Hi Kerry,
I found your blog via your website! It’s lovely!!
Thanks so much for visiting my website & blog…and for your lovely compliments too!!
I lovel your little pink trio, it’s gorgeous!
All the best,
Hi Kerryanne!
thanks so much for your sweet email, like Kathy I found your blog via your website. I love your teacup trio, I have that same one!!!
Your site is so lovely, we have a lot in common with what we do don’t we!
Take care,
Natasha : )
I love that tea set!!!!! Gorgeous! I love when my mom gives me beautiful items too! Yesterday we were at an antique and household sale and she told me when we left she got me a Christmas present there from something I said I loved…I said that about so much I have no idea what it is!! Mom’s are so sweet!
BTW your blog AND website are sooo cute! Love them and will be back!
Thanks Kathy, Natasha and Alice for your lovely comments. This teacup is the cutest but now I want a marching one for my mum. I will have to keep searching.
Thank you for you kind email, Kerryanne! And gosh it’s lovely here! I have that same teacup and just the small saucer in my collection! How funny is that? 🙂 Love it!