I have a confession…
I’ve been very naughty!!
But before I confess, I need to back track this story a bit to bring you up to speed.
Life here at the Resort has been incredibly chaotic for the past few weeks, with school holidays, Easter and Anzac Day all falling in the same two week period. We are fully booked for several weeks straight, which means crafting time is almost non existent.
I say almost… because I somehow always manage to find some time to be creative.
Admittedly, it has meant that I’ve grabbed snippets of time at strange hours, but none-the-less, there has been crafting time.
With my creative time at such a premium I make sure to utilize every minute of it.
Cleaning up has not been a priority…. which goes against my crafting policy to ‘Always clean as you go’…. ooopps!
With a variety of projects underway, there’s a myriad of crafting supplies laying about…
And not in a pretty shabby, inspiring kind of way.
It’s more like… a bomb’s gone off and destroyed my creative space.
Have you ever found yourself in this situation?
The creative clutter is so extensive, I’m not even sure where to start.
Not that I’m going to have an opportunity to take on a big clean up project until the school holidays finish next week.
AND there will be no photos of this craft room catastrophe for fear they may shame me later on!
I’ve noticed a small unfinished project that could be completed and ticked off my list. I’ll just clear a little space here on the desk.
I have no clue where my 10+ rolls of double sided tape have migrated to, so perhaps I’d better pop down to the local craft shop and pick up another roll…
…just to finish the project!!
I’ll be back after the craftermath has been cleaned up and re-organized to share several new project designs.
I’m linking with these friends this week:
Inspiration Exchange, The DIY Dreamer, The Scoop, Project Inspired , French Country Cottage, Be Inspired Friday at Common Ground, Sundays at Home.
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I know that situation well Kerryanne – there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to craft & tidy up.
Glad the resort is busy and doing well. Schools went back this week here in the UK and it has been so peaceful wandering around the shops without hoards or bored youngsters hanging around making mischief.
Hope you get some proper crafting time soon.
Toni xx
I so knew my crafting friends would understand my dilemma. Feeling much better just knowing I’m not the only one with a disaster zone. I did consider having a craft group working bee to help clean up, but I think everyone would be distracted by all the pretties strewn around, so probably wouldn’t work.
Enjoy your crafting time too Toni.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Hey Kerryanne! Oh, oh, oh! I am laughing so hard right now cos my super-organized-neat-freak blogging buddy is describing her creative space and it sounds jet like MINE! Tee! Hee! Hee! Creative Chaos is the term we use around here & is the norm rather than an anomaly. As you said … Creative time is limited & I can’t stand to waste it on tidying, so I’m quite adroit at working amidst the chaos. :0) Lovely to hear the resort is going so well … Even if it has pushed you over to the ‘Dark-&-Chaotic’ side of crafting! :0) Enjoy your play time whenever you can. :0) Bear Hugs! :0)
Damn that resort for eating up all my creative time… anyone would think we had to earn a living from it – lol
Looking forward to life returning to normal in May and getting my creative groove on everyday… and maybe catching up with blogging buddies, phone calls… and I can’t even bare to mention the exact number of emails in my Inbox.
We need a serious catch up my friend.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Had a mini craftermath at my place yesterday afternoon after rushing to get my MIL’s birthday card made and away so it gest to her before we do next week. Her birthday was yesterday. :_{ Creativity comes at a price. Hope your craft window is soon open wide, Kerryanne. Maybe when the rush passes there will be time for a craftagether.
Definitely looking forward to our girls night Mary. As soon as Ironman is over I’m a free agent again.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Music to my ears. xo
I want to see pictures of this craftermath! I love that word. I think I could give you a run for your money. Mine is a disaster in progress. I’m sure there’s bound be some support group out there for us. We need not be ashamed! Xo.
Noooooooooooo Claire…. I couldn’t bare to have those incriminating photos pop up later on. I’m a huge neat freak and just the knowledge that this room is so disorganised is playing havoc with my OCD tendensies. Indeed, we need a support group 😉
That is pretty much my life everyday. My “work room” has somehow became my hoarding room and I can’t even walk through it anymore. My kitchen is now covered with project. I hope you have time for crafting soon because I adore all of your creations!
Our work rooms sound identical Victoria. I’ve had to clear a path towards the desk, just to get in – lol. It’s funny how it then spills out to the rest of the house. Getting ready for some serious crafting time and a big clean up this week 😉
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
OMG this is awesome, haha. I feel the same way. Clean as I go but when you have limited time, the “crafter math” is a nightmare. Love this!
Hope you’re doing great!
Pheww… didn’t think I’d be alone with this strange phenomenon Jamie. All good here my friend… way too busy, but about to slow down with winter approaching.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Kerryanne, you are far from alone in this situation. Although, I live in creative chaos, it is not an uncommon occurence. My craft desk and room becomes a holding area for broken toys, torn clothes, school certificates, bills….. the list goes on. I have to say, though, when I need to create, I manage to find a suitable creative space. Barely!
Hope you soon get back to your creativity.