Have you discovered the beautiful world of Tilda yet?
Best known for its whimsical and naive characters like animals and dolls, Tilda has a certain attitude to life… whimsical and romantic, described as being like a ball gown worn with wellies – perfectly imperfect!
Since I’ve been selling these products, sharing the items I make and talking about Tilda, it has created quite a buzz amongst my readers in countries where Tilda is not available.
In answer to many of your questions, today I’m going to share a little background information about the designer and her gorgeous products, books and designs.
Tone Finnanger is the founder and sole designer of the Tilda brand, which she started in 1999 at the age of just 25.
Tone grew up in Oslo, the capital of Norway, and now lives and works on a small island in the Oslo fjord.
Today 120 – 150 new Tilda products are presented each year. In the Tilda product range you will find fabric and accessories such as ribbons, buttons and sewing equipment, as well as paper crafting and home décor products.
I love that the collections change several times a year… keeping the products fresh and new. With each new collections arrival, an old collection is retired.
I have purchased every Tilda book released and I find it hard to choose a favourite… everyone of them is filled with favourite designs.
These days I sell a selection of products, mainly the paper craft and haby items and sometimes fat quarters.
It’s no secret that these products are in such high demand that suppliers frequently run out and have to wait for the next overseas shipment to arrive… I find myself in that very situation at present, but I know that when it arrives (hopefully) this week, I’ll be in Tilda Heaven again.
Two new collections are due in stock any day and I look forward to re-stocking my Tilda Boutique and sharing these gorgeous pieces with you.
You can keep an eye on what’s happening now at Tilda by visiting their website…
Check out the latest Autumn/Winter 2015 Tilda catalogue…
Or swing by my Tilda Boutique to see what’s currently available.
Happy crafting – Kerryanne
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Olá,quero comprar os papéis 30,5 x 30,5 como fazer amiga.Boa semana.Valéria.(Brasil).
omigosh how beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!
Some of the Tilda fabrics are so pretty, I’m always reluctant to cut into them LOL
Luckily, here in the UK the books are usually quite easy to obtain but we suffer the same problems you do with regard to waiting for stock to arrive.
Toni xx
I love Tilda too, thanks for sharing some of the background story.
The world is just a happier place with Tilda in it. I have followed Tone and her company for a long time now and my favorite book is the Christmas one with the flying pig and pixies. Tilda will be part of my new Christmas decor this year. Tilda is a fun, fun world. Thanks for sharing about Tone. Jo
Oh my stars, love this type of thing, always have. Makes a grown woman feel like it’s ok to play with dolls, Isn’t it? I too love Tilda merchandise. will be keeping an eye on it to see what just might not be able to live without. Oh dear, I’m in trouble now. So glad you mentioned Tilda on your post.
Happy weekend KerryAnne
Love how she made those incredibly wonderful different tags with flower applique on them.