The lovely folk over at
asked me to try out their My Memories Suite v3 software . . . well, it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it . . . right!!
Now ‘m not what you’d call a scrapbooker as such, but I definitely dabble in many types of paper crafts from card making to journaling and varying construction crafts. I also do a lot of digital work, so this software immediately sparked my creativity.
With over 1,500 papers and 1,000+ page elements to play with. . . I was in a state of creative euphoria. There’s so much on offer, including adding video, music and narration to digital scrapbooks. . . plus heaps of FREE graphics and page sets to download. . . oh gosh, I’m not sure where to even start with explaining it all, so the best thing to do is pop on over and read about it here.
Anyhoo, I’ve been here playing around with this program all weekend and created 2 cards for you to download and print off.
Starting with a little vintage Valentine . . .
. . . and also some Paris love.
But that’s not all. . .
Those very generous folk at My Memories have also given me a software package to GIVEAWAY to one of my followers. . . isn’t that fantastic!!
I can honestly tell you that I have thoroughly enjoyed creating with this very easy to use software and if you like scrapbooking, making your own cards, calendars or digital creations. . . you will love it too.
The competition is open to all my followers here at the Shabby Art Boutique and entering is easy. . . simply pop over and like the My Memories Facebook page, then come back here and leave a comment on this post. Make sure you leave an extra comment if you mention this giveaway and link back on any social medias. . . you know the usual, blogs, FB or Twitter. I will draw a winner by Random Number Generator on Monday 23rd January at 11:59 am AEST.
But wait. . . there’s MORE
Not only have the My Memories folk given me a software package to GIVEAWAY they have also given me a special code for my readers to use, that provides a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store – that’s $20 value! To take advantage of this amazing offer use the coupon code: STMMMS22529
Thank you My Memories. . . I loved reviewing your product and I know one of my followers is going to love winning this giveaway.
I just liked the My memories facebook page, Toni Johnstone, Tasmania
Sounds like you’ve had a fun time playing with digi-scrapping Kerryanne!I wanted to let you know you’ve inspired me to start my very own blog so if you have time to have a look at my cards on I’d greatly appreciate any feedback (and it’s all your fault that I’ve fallen head over heels in love with vintage images)!!
Hi Kerryanne,
Thanks for a fantastic giveaway. I’ve liked the facebook page. Have a great week.
Blessings, Julie-Anne
Love it….and “liked” it on fb! Thanks for the opportunity!
Dear Kerryanne, digital scrapbooking or card making sounds wonderful, thank you for the chance to win a package.The items you make are lovely.
Looks like you had a spot of fun ‘play’ time – love what you came up with.
Toni xx
What a great company Kerryanne! Thanks to them AND to you for this great giveaway. Love following you and seeing what you’re doing. Jan
Not sure who is singing the beautiful song…sounds like Eva Cassidy (Fields of favourite of hers)…not sure but it absolutely divine……I haven’t heard this sung slowly like this before but it’s gorgeous!! Thanks! Luv Kaz
Hey Kerryanne, this my memories software looks great, I could get lost in it forever and love it lololol
Angela Lougheed
Left my chair spinning with the speed I went to the My Memories page. I have been scrapbooking for years & combine it with my love of sewing by adding stitching detail, buttons etc but have NEVER tried my hand ar digital scrapbooking so am holding thumbs & crossing fingers & toes that I am the lucky one to win this amasing giveaway. Love your new blog header BTW!!!
Melanie here! I absolutely loved this piece, please email me–I have a question about your blog 🙂 MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com