I love Sundays… don’t you?
It’s my ‘ME’ day. A day for relaxing, spending time with my loved ones and for catching up on life after a busy week.
So it seemed that Sunday would be the perfect day to share with you a new weekly series called ‘Shabbilicious Sunday’.
Each week in this series I will share with you a visit to a home of one of our shabbilicious friends. What could be better than to take a tour around their home, have a chat and get to know a little more about them.
For our first Shabbilicious Sunday, we are off to Norway to visit the fabulous Vibeke Svenningsen of Vibeke Design.
I’m sure most of you would already know Vibeke from her gorgeous blog and Instagram account, plus I’ve featured her several times in my Simply Shabbilicious magazine. I think she is everyone’s favourite!!
So, let’s take a wander around Vibeke’s summer home.
Vibeke built her home in 2001 and describes her decorating style as vintage farmhouse style, with a touch of Scandinavia and a little bit French.
Vibeke uses white walls and furniture as her canvas and changes the colour scheme with her beautiful styling and accessories.
I love how Vibeke adds pops of colour to her décor with fresh flowers.
This is such an easy way to introduce colour to an otherwise fairly neutral colour palette.
I’m sure many of you have seen inside Vibeke’s gorgeous home before, so lets meander out to her recently built garden house. It’s her favourite place to be in summer.
It adjoins her home and matches it so perfectly.
And the inside of her garden house is just as beautiful as her home.
I asked Vibeke if she had a favourite piece of furniture and she said “I love all our old tables. I think the kitchen table and the little old table in our garden house are my favorites”.
Vibeke says she loves blue and uses it a lot in her decorating… especially in summer.
Asked what would be her best decorating advice, Vibeke replied “Be true to your style! And let your personality shine true when you decorate”.
Thank you for letting us take a wander through your summer home Vibeke!
For more inspiration from Vibeke, you can visit her blog at Vibeke Design
or connect with her on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
Happy Sunday my friends,
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
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Thank you for sharing this – it was lovely having a wander through such a beautiful home.
Have a wonderful Sunday Kerryanne.
Toni xx
Thank you as always dear Toni xxx
Hugs to you dear KerryAnne What a stimulating creative woman, how inspiring she is and talented like you in her own way. I love to meet and learn about different people, thanks to you got to meet this very special lady, love her style. I won’t ever be able to visit her country or yours but am so interested in learning all I can.
I am so happy for my grand daughter whom is being an au pair this summer for host family in Italy. In fact she is on her way with them tonight to Copenhagen, what an adventure. and educating. She will be different girl when we see her next, which will be at Christmas. Delainey is 19, very warm, intelligent young woman. Think have mentioned her to you before. What an education she is getting this summer. When she finishes school she will be a special needs teacher. She did some teaching while still in high school and while in her first year of college..
The internet makes the world a very small place JaneEllen…. what did we ever do before we had it? I too love being able to visit all these wondrous places and amazingly talented ladies. Thanks for being here for Shabbilicious Sunday.
Yes, you have mentioned Delainey before and I can tell you are very proud of her. What a fabulous adventure she is having. I hope she enjoys her time in Copenhagen. Hugs to you friend xxx
Beautiful photos!Thank you!!!
Vibeke’s home and photos are gorgeous and very inspiring!! Glad you enjoyed the feature 🙂
Kerryanne, what a great idea to invite us into such beautiful homes on Sundays!
Vibeke has such an AMAZING style, I love every single detail from every corner of her dreamy house! 🙂
Happy Sunday, can’t wait for next week! ♥
Thank you sweet friend. I hope you enjoy popping in for a coffee every Sunday. See you there xxx
What a wonderful home to visit over coffee. Off to explore more of her blog. xx
Oh you will love it Danielle!! Vibeke’s home, blog and IG account will make you swoon for sure. xx
Beautiful, just my style! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for visiting for Shabbilicious Sunday Geniece. Vibeke has such a beautiful home and her photos are amazing!!
I LOVE this! I cant wait to see your magazine again. XO
Thank you Celeste. I look forward to getting back to the magazine again either later in the year or in 2017, but meanwhile I’ll enjoy my Sunday series. Hope to see you there xxx
Hi KerryAnne, I just adore Vibeke and her photos, she is so talented and what a surprise to see her on your post today. Made my day. Have a wonderful day! xx Jo
Thanks Jo. Vibeke definitely has a style that most everyone relates to. I think she was the perfect person to kick off my new home tour series and I feel blessed to have her honour me with that. Hugs xx
I was so happy to be introduced to Vibeke and her lovely home through your posts. I could move right in!
I’m looking forward to this new feature, Kerryanne. Thank you!
I think we would all love to visit Vibeke’s gorgeous home in Norway Elaine. Isn’t it lovely!! She is so lovely that she would probably welcome us all too 🙂
Vibeke is so incredibly talented in creating exquisite beauty in her home using her fabulous vintage furniture and accessories. She’s definitely a favorite!
Mary Alice
What a beautiful home and garden house. Thank you for allowing us a glimpse of your home Vibeke!
Kerryanne I always love it when you share from Vibeke. Thank you.