I’m sure you’ll agree that life just seems to get busier and busier.
I know if I didn’t write everything down I’d have no hope of keeping my life in order.
While most people have a calendar of some sort to arrange their daily schedule. . . I use a handmade Creativity Planner.
I just find it easier to put everything in the one place. . .
So each year I make myself a Creativity Planner that combines everything I need for my blogging and social media interests, as well as my creative projects.
The two mostly go hand in hand anyway. . .
I create for my blog. . . and I blog about my creativity!
I really liked the cover I made last year for my 2013 Creativity Planner, so I re-used it this year. . . with a few changes of course!
I put all my worksheets inside clear plastic sleeves.
Apart from the fact that it keeps them clean and protected, I can also use a white board marker to write directly onto the plastic sleeves.
For my 2014 planner I designed a vintage calendar with a month to a page.
Next I put together worksheets for daily, weekly and monthly action plans.
There are pages to arrange my blogging ideas and schedule, statistics,referrers and guest post planner.
My creative business is taken care of too with project planners, creative worksheets, material list and shopping lists. . .as well as pages of business contacts, goals and strategies. . .
And there’s even a place to record all those online logins and passwords.
While I designed this Creativity Planner specifically for my own needs, I know many of you may also enjoy such a planner, so I’ve made it available as a free download for a limited time.
Get my FREE VINTAGE CREATIVITY PLANNER from my Boutique shopping cart.
[Please note: The Creativity Planner special offer free download has now finished. The Vintage Creativity Planner will remain available in my Boutique shop for the special price of $5 throughout 2014.]
If you’d like to know when I have other vintage projects on offer, make sure you sign up for my Mailing List.
I chose to print my pages on cream paper which further enhanced the vintage look.
The graphic files are high resolution, so you could print them on matt photo paper for a precision look, however, I choose to print mine on the normal printer settings, which gives a finish with more subtle vintage tones.
I’ll be back soon to share with you more of the pretty things I have inside my planner.
I’m sharing my Creativity Planner this week with these friends:
Inspiration Exchange, The DIY Dreamer, The Scoop, Project Inspired Transformation Thursday, French Country Cottage, The Vintage Farmhouse, Be Inspired Friday at Common Ground
I’d be thrilled if you’d like to connect with me at the following places. . .
or if you’d like my posts delivered directly to your Inbox
Kerryanne, that is just GORGEOUS!! oh the colors and style! Just BEAUTIFUL!
Sharing on my FB page..I just love it!
Kerryanne, this is so pretty!!!! Thank you! Pinning. ~Jeanette
Hi Kerryanne, so beautiful and a great gift too. I LOVE all the pink roses of course too. Have a wonderful day, Lisa
So pretty! And very practical too 🙂
Very beautiful calendar and very useful planner! Thank you so much!!
very smart and pretty, I used a planner I made a couple years ago and just haven’t taken the time to make another one.
My excuse just to busy to create.
I would use your pretty daily planner
Oh this is absolutely gorgeous! That would make me WANT to organize myself better I’m sure!
Something like this was on my to-do list today and then I pop over here and see you’ve done the hard part for me. Thank you for the planner!!! And I love the vintage vibe to it!
Oh wow Kerryanne. This is perfect for my needs. Thanks for doing most of the work for me. Pinning and downloading 🙂
Make it a great week!
Beautiful. Lovely. These are a few descriptive words. sending out on my social media tonight. Linda Crafts a la mode
Lovely, I love how every thing is organize, month, date & year! Thanks for pinning~Beverly
Wow Kerryanne, another stunner…absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Toni xx
I’m always looking for the “perfect” planner. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and projects. So looking forward to using this beautiful planner. I love all things vintage.
just gorgeous, kerryanne!! thanks so much!
Kerryanne, this is just gorgeous! Thanks so very much!
Thank you for your generous downloads Love from Australia
Will you have 2015 version to print for us to make for the coming year?
Thank you
Hei i gjen1
Denne var virkelig fin, så en slik en må jeg bare ha,Gleder meg til å se ordentlig på den. Den er så pen at det må da virkelig bli en ren fornøyelse å møte en ny dag,, med sine MÅ gjøremål og ikke minst de du virkelig SER fram til og gleder deg til å gjøre. Jeg iler til og bestiller en. Ha en kjempefin kreativ dag. Her i huset går det mest på sying av prinsessekjoler, tøffe bukser og selvfølgelig noen juleting som skal være gaver under treet.
Jeg var litt for rask og så ikke at dette var for 2014 og at jeg derfor er snart ett år for sent ute:-( Kommer du til å legge ut for dette året? det håper jeg virkelig, for må si at det hadde vært både hyggelig og morsomt å ha en slik en her i Norge også. Kanskje den eneste:-)
Jeg kommer forøvrig ikke inn i din butikk,får en feilmelding. Er den feilen hos deg eller meg tro?
Fortsatt god dag til deg
I am so glad I found your blog am so enjoying it so much. LOVE shabby, vintage “french”….what more could a girl ask for in one spot. Thanks!!
Welcome Sheryl. I’m glad to have you here 🙂
Thanks Kerryanne, I LOVE shabby – it is such an inspiration too me. I will be here to see what is being designed and shared often. Thanks for being a part of my world. Hope I am not to late for the planner. Saw some other cute ideas I need to take a look at.
Can you share what materials you used for the cover and how you put it together?