I remember a time when recipes were all hand written.
A time when my mother and grandmothers had a book or recipe box that contained many pieces of folded up paper… all with the familiar handwritten recipes.
Some were stained yellow with age… some had fading handwriting… and others had various food stains from the many times that recipe had been made.
Many of the recipes my granny made were not written down.
They were simply memorized and made repeatedly, but the sad thing is, we all thought we’d remember how they were made and that these simple country recipes that had been family favourites would live on forever. They did not.
They are lost now. Gone with my granny.
I recall as a child, my mums favourite exercise book filled with recipes in her neat print handwriting. That book also bulged with loose sheets of paper with recipes shared from friends and torn out recipe pages from magazines, stuffed between the pages of that overfull book.
My mum cooked and baked a lot. I guess she was the quintessential stay-at-home mum of the 60’s and 70’s.
One thing I do recall, is the elation at seeing the blue striped exercise book coming out of the drawer and the Sunbeam Mixmaster being plugged in. That always meant a sweet treat was soon to be served.
I inherited the cooking/baking gene passed down through the generations and I particularly love to bake and spoil those I love with food.
I have so, so many recipe magazines and books. They actually fill a whole bookshelf.
Yet, I still most often head straight to my recipe box when trying to decide what to bake. The oldest recipes in that box are from when I was a teen, just starting out with cooking. Looking back, I was probably romantically dreaming of the day I would get married and have my own home and kitchen and was planning my recipes even then – lol.
Now my girls have homes of their own and they call me to ask for recipes. One of them is not very interested in cooking, but my youngest daughter takes after her mum. She even has her own recipe box!
So recipes have been a hot topic in our family just recently, as three generations compare and share our favourites. One thing is for sure, good old fashioned baking never goes out of style.
I’ve designed these two vintage 6” x 4” recipe cards that fit perfectly into a regular recipe box. You are welcome to download and print them off for your own personal use if you’d like.
Download the free printable vintage recipe cards HERE.
You may also like my free matching menu planner and shopping list printable available HERE.
Happy baking!!
Happy crafting
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These are adorable.
My Mum’s Mum had a wonderful recipe for “Spotted Dick” (sometimes called Plum Duff or Fruit suet pudding) – unfortunately this is a recipe that has been lost with her passing. However, my Dad’s Mum had a copy of a family recipe for Christmas Puddings (now about 120 years old) that we were lucky enough to get a copy of before she passed. The only problem we have now is finding alternatives for some of the ingredients.
Toni xx
Thank you Kerry Anne for these lovely Recipe Cards…I love the fact that you made them with a continued card as well. That makes them the bomb. YOU ROCK sweet lady. Have a wonderful week and thank you again for all you do for us. You are one of the best designers of precious things on the web. God bless you,
Ms Joey
Would love to find something to do for you since you give us so many beautiful printables and projects so often. When I see a post from you can barely wait to see what it will be, love hearing from you. I am so happy having found your wonderful blog.
Want to let you know how much I love these adorable recipe cards, hope to use them soon. I am so lucky to have several of my Mom’s recipe cards from some of recipes handed down to her. When I see her writing never fail to get tears in my eyes. My Mom has been gone since 1997 but so many times things remind me of her and her family. I’m such a sentimental silly goose.
Been meaning to tell you how much I love sweet prints on bowls, pitcher and those measuring spoons on the side. Am so drawn to old fashioned things that rekindle memories. Have wonderful week.
I love , love these.
Thanks a bunch