Hello lovelies,
‘Boutique Banter’ is back for 2019…. this is a chance for us to sit down over a cuppa and have a chit-chat about different things going on here at Shabby Art Boutique, so please…. get comfy, grab a warm drink and let’s chat.
First of all, I have a few little things to share with you… before I share my BIG news.
If you love Tilda or you’ve been wanting to try a Tilda pattern out, there are FREE patterns for 3 new designs on the Tilda website HERE.
I also have a new free printable on the Newsletter Member’s Only freebies page, so if you haven’t checked it out yet, make sure you pop in and download it. If you are new to my blog, you are welcome to subscribe to my free newsletter and gain access to the freebies page too.
Over the next few weeks my blog is going to be undergoing some changes and getting a whole new look. I’m using a designer to do this for me, so that my blog will be up to date with everything it needs and also mobile responsive. Hopefully you won’t notice any disruption during the process!!
Soooo…. do you remember my Craft Supplies Inventory Checklist earlier this month? There was a reason I was tidying up and cleaning out my craft room. Here’s my latest news…..
If I thought 2019 was going to get off to a quiet relaxed start, I was wrong. We’ve really hit the ground running and that’s because something very exciting happened at the beginning of January…. we bought a new house!
We’ve actually been looking for land to build a home, but were still open to buying an established home. We didn’t really plan to be doing any of this so early in the year, but the perfect home for us presented itself quite unexpectedly.
The home is what Australians call a ‘Queenslander’, which is suited to the subtropical climate of Queensland. The quintessential Queenslander is a house made of timber, with a corrugated iron roof and a characteristic veranda that extends around the house. They usually feature prominent exterior staircases, decorative timber work and gabled roofs. Our new home has all of these fabulous features…. but it needs a little TLC and a few renovations to be the perfect family home for us…. and we can’t wait to get started on this DIY project.
The really exciting news for me is that there is already a purpose built studio space that is air conditioned and has its own entrance….. [insert squeals of delight].
Right now we are madly packing, as we settle in less than 2 weeks and will be living in limbo for another week while we paint the interior of the house. Unfortunately, the previous owners loved bold primary colours in every room, so we are taking it back to an easy to live with neutral colour palette before our furniture arrives.
The arduous task of packing up the hardest room in the house, the craft room, is underway so there won’t be any new sewing projects for a few weeks, but I’ll still be designing on the computer.
Right now I’m a mix of excitement, overwhelm and a tinge of exhaustion, but it will all be worth it when we take possession of our new home. I look forward to sharing our journey with you soon.
Happy crafting!!
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OOOOOOOHH! How EXCITING!! I’m doing a little happy dance on your behalf Kerryanne! :0) Also happy dancing that I’m not the one who has to pack! Tee! Hee! Hee! It’s always exciting to have a new space in which to make your home & I know you’ll be in shabby chic heaven. Character houses are so welcoming … Says she who hasn’t lived in a house younger than 100 years old for the last 26 years. :0) can’t wait to share your adventure! Bear Hugs! KRIS xx
Thank you dear friend. Of course you already know the delight of owning a beautiful Queenslander… it’s definitely happy dance worthy!! Eek… no one likes packing and unpacking. This is my 3rd move in 5 years and I hope it is the last for a very long time.
Catch up properly with you when I’m unpacked xx
How exciting!! Your new studio space sounds amazing and just perfect for you. Wishing you the smoothest of moves. Also, looking forward to your new website. Such an exciting time for you.
Thanks Daniela…. isn’t it always the way that everything happens all at the same time. I’m looking forward to an Easter break this year. I figure we might be all caught up by then 🙂
Congratulations and best of luck in your move❤️
It all sounds very exciting and I can’t wait to see pics of your studio and new home.
Thank you so much Gerolene 🙂
I am so happy for you Kerryanne! Can’t wait to see ! hugs…..
That’s sweet of you Penny… thank you sweetie 🙂
Your new home sounds fabulous, especially your studio, congratulations!
Thanks Julie…. only other artists/crafters truly understand the delight about the studio space 🙂
How wonderful!! Congratulations!
It is very exciting for us Ann. Thank you 🙂
That’s wonderful for you and your family, looking forward to hearing how your getting on and maybe the odd photo of your new home.xx
I’ll share a few pics along the way Pam. Hopefully all goes well and no major hiccups… but you never know with renos!
Thanks xx
OOOh, how exciting! I can’t wait to see it. Please take before and after pictures, it’s nice to see the progress.
It’s very exciting for us Wendy… slightly overwhelming right now, but once we get moved I’m sure it will all fall into place. Looking forward to crafting in a new studio 🙂
Wonderful and exciting news. So look forward to seeing some photos of your new home.Best wishes.
I’ll definitely share a few happy snaps of our progress Shirley. Thanks for your best wishes. 🙂
So excited for you! Hope to see some pics!
Thanks Judy. 🙂
I’ll definitely share some before and afters pics with you all. The change is going to be quite drastic!!
So happy for you! All the work will be so worth it when you are settled. Blessings on the new phase of life!
That’s sweet of you Gayle, thank you 🙂
It definitely does feel like a new season of life and it is exciting to be setting down roots in our new city.
Oh how very exciting for you and hubby,I can’t wait to see your new craft space.Good luck with it all.
Karen, I can’t wait to get set up in my new craft room too. I’ve got ideas buzzing around in my head for a different layout. This is studio #5, so I know what I like now and what works best for me.
Hi KerryAnne, I am so very happy for you. It will be beautiful when you and hubby are done with it. I can hardly wait to see it and your new craft room. You are so deserving of all that. So, take it easy and don’t work to hard…yeah right huh?..LOL…Oh by the way KerryAnne, I can not for the life of me remember the password to our Members Only Free Printables Site. If you just happen to have a second could you send it to me. If not I will understand. Thank you, Hugs to you, JoeyAnn
Thank you Joey Ann. Looks like we are going to be busy for a few months… but what fun!!
I’ll message you privately with the password 🙂
Congratulations on your wonderful news Kerryanne, There is little more exciting, uplifting and challenging than moving to a new home and I wish you both every happiness, contentment and love in yours. I can’t wait to ‘visit’ and take tea on that wonderful verandah when you have settled in! Happy-moving-day hugs and a big M’wah! xxx Marion in the UK.
Thank you Marion 🙂
I was all ready to build this year and had house plans in mind, but then this house came up and seemed so right for our family. It’s big enough for the whole family to visit at the same time and still have room to move. It will definitely be a family orientated home for a few years and that makes me happy too. I look forward to inviting you in for ‘tea and a tour’.
Oh congratulations Kerryanne, what a wonderful life you will have in your new home. I am happy for you that you get your own air-conditioned studio, you will spend a lot of time there in summer I am sure. best wishes with the Reno’s you will definitely make your mark on this lovely Queenslander.
Thank you Amanda. Yes, I’m looking forward to air-con in my craft room. My current craft room doesn’t have it and some days it is just too hot to work in there.
Congratulations! Wishing you love and laughter in your new home.
What a sweet wish for our family Anne Lise…. I truly appreciate it 🙂
Oh Wow, that is awesome Kerryanne!!!? So thrilled for you and family? I can’t even imagine how beautiful you will make your new home??? And to have an air conditioned studio is just icing on the cake?? SO happy for you Kerryanne??? Can’t wait to see all the pictures??? Smiles, Deborah ???
You can bet my mind is overloaded with decorating ideas Deborah. Looking forward to getting started and that air-conditioned studio is definitely the ‘icing on the cake’ 🙂
This is so exciting. I am so happy for you. I cannot wait to see pics. Good luck.
Thank you Kris. If my home decor looks half as lovely as yours, I’ll be exceptionally happy!!
Hugs ~ Kerryanne x
Looking forward to seeing your new home. Good luck in the move and also painting.
Much appreciated Karleen. Moving is always so stressful… I’m not worried about the painting side of it, but will feel more relaxed once our furniture is all moved in.
This is exciting news! Please share a picture.
Thanks JK… hope to have a few photos to share in a couple of weeks 🙂
Your new home sounds amazing! I’m so happy for you!
Aww… thanks so much Carol. That’s sweet of you 🙂
Best of luck with your packing up and moving. Then the painting. What a huge project. Love the idea of an air-conditioned studio! Best of luck!
I appreciate your generous wishes Kathy. The air-conditioned studio will be getting a big workout no doubt; it’s still so hot here.
This is such exciting news! I don’t know what a “Queenslander” home is, me living in the USA.. so would love to see a picture.. before.. and after you do your magic on it! It’s a fun time for you, but hard work also, and I don’t envy that! How fun to set up a new studio and will look forward to seeing it. I always love when I see a new post from you! I also do follow your Newsletter/ or receive it, but don’t have the password anymore. I thought it changed each time or something. Usually, I just sign up again for the Newsletter, but if there is one I can keep, then I would also appreciate receiving it via my email! Thank you so much! I’m going over to the Tilda website to check out the patterns. Have a good week! Marilyn
A new house is exciting Marilyn, but so too is a new studio space and I look forward to unpacking all those boxes of crafty delights. I’ve found things I’d forgotten about while packing, so it’s kind of like going shopping in my own house – lol. I hope you enjoy the Tilda patterns 🙂
Het Kerryanne,
First of al congratulations with Youri new house!!.
I’am looping forward to see Youri new home.
Mvg gina Belgium ?
How wonderful for you! I live in Florida but am acquainted with the Queenslander style via internet searches. It is such beautiful and iconic architecture. Can’t wait to see your new home.