With the general busyness around here, I have been honing my juggling and tightrope walking skills.
I recon I could probably try out for the travelling circus…
The visual of a woman of my age wearing fishnet tights and a leotard while swinging above your head may be too disturbing for some people [giggle]
In order to walk that fine line and keep my balance of work, play and family I totally have to rely on my planner.
Absolutely everything gets written down so I can keep tabs on all the goings on.
I’m kind of a visual person too, so being able to see everything laid out in front of me just makes more sense.
You’re probably saying “people use electronic planners these days”… and I know they do, but I still like my pretty creative planner with her vintage images and the sense of calm she offers.
I like turning her real pages, plus I know I can add extra pages when necessary and completely tailor the planner to suit my needs.
Initially I designed my vintage creative planner for my own use, but in January I decided to make it available to everyone.
The vintage creative planner has:
- 12 pretty vintage calendar pages,
- plus daily, weekly and monthly planner pages,
- planner and list pages for your blog
- Address and contacts pages
- Pages for blog statistics and referrers
- Guest post schedule
- Online log-in information
- Several pages for creative goals and projects
- Pretty shopping lists and note paper.
As you put this planner together yourself, you can print off as many of each page as you like. There maybe some pages that don’t interest you, so you can just exclude those.
Anyhoo… I thought you might like to know how I do the mummy juggle and stay sane.
If you think this might be something that could help you in your daily balancing act, my vintage creative planner is available for just $5 in my Boutique.
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I was lucky enough to get this beautiful planner from you back in January and before I had even completed it (I wanted to colour some of the pages) my sister nabbed it from me… as she isn’t a crafter this was confirmation of how fabulous the design is as she was so taken with it. However, I have used several of the pages stuck in my work diary and found them to be very useful. and will probably print off some more of the diary pages to use in a scrapbook I am thinking of doing of this year. Thank you again Kerryanne for such a lovely creation.
Toni xx
OH! I missed this in January. I was looking to see if you had one. Maybe I can use this next year. I have already created my planner for this year from another planner.
Hello My Dear:
will you have one of your beautiful planners for 2016, I went to the link you had given above only it said error something or other, as I think they are gorgeous!! Everything you have been doing including the Shabby book are very tasteful and beautiful. You are one talented lady!!
Thanks for all of the special downloads and tutorials!!
Hi Jamie, the post you are refering to is an old one from 2014 and the 2014 planners are no longer available. At this stage I don’t know whether I will have the planners in 2016, but if you follow my blog you will definitely see them if I do put one out. 🙂