Over the next 3 days, 18 fabulous bloggers are joining together
to present the Welcome Home Christmas Tour.
I chose to share a rarely seen ‘welcoming’ spot in my home…
it’s the landing at the top of our spiral staircase.
I asked my readers awhile back…
“Can a woodland Christmas be shabbilicious?”
Yes…. I think it can be… if it is filled with white owls,
icicles and snowflakes!
I still have several projects to complete for this little spot in my Christmas décor… so this is just the beginning.
As you know, I’m a dreamer, a planner and a list writer.
I know in my mind exactly how I want this spot to look and feel and I planned it all out…. but sometimes even the best laid plans can go awry. I arrived home from my holiday last week to the news that my dad was about to go in for a quite serious surgery.
Suddenly our plans were on hold and filling our home with Christmas décor didn’t have the same urgency. I wanted to have this area finished to share with you today… but the truth is, the world won’t end because this isn’t quite finished. I will continue to work on this area over the next few days.
Let me show you what I’ve done so far…
The crate is a vintage one that we found on our property. It is rotted and falling apart, but we like it and use it as a shoe storage box on our back deck.
I knew it would make a perfect base for our tree.
The tree is a 4’ tall cheap discount store tree that I’ve had for years.
I gave it a winter look by spraying it with watered down white paint.
Next came the owls… don’t you know it, owls have been my thing in 2015.
I painted 4 designs and then printed them on matt photo paper. They were adhered to to 3mm MDF with watered down white glue and a squeegee and then cut out with a scroll saw.
ADDED 3rd December – Free printable owl designs
now available to download HERE
The snowflakes and icicles are from… drum roll please…. Walmart!
Yep, I discovered Walmart while in Hawaii. I was a little worried about venturing in there after the things I’ve seen online, but oh my, it’s amazing in there.
Okay, so my US friends may not agree, but let me explain this to my Aussie friends… listen up girls – their cosmetics are half the price of ours. The prices in the craft isle are about a third of what we pay and there were items I’ve never ever seen before. But I whizzed through those isles because at the far side of the store the Christmas department was beckoning. I picked up a dozen of these glittery snowflakes for less than $2. I can’t even begin to tell you the things I saw in that store… and I purchased a whole lot too!
So, the tree is up and I’m currently working on a backdrop using really weathered old fence palings. I like how the tree glows at night and the bonus is, we can also see it from our lounge area below.
I hope you enjoyed my ‘welcoming’ spot in our Christmas home.
I think my daughter will like it when she returns home on the weekend… it’s right outside her bedroom.
For more inspiration, be sure to visit the other ladies on todays tour and then continue on to Wednesday and Thursday’s tours.
Tammy One More Time Events
Meegan with What Meegan Makes
Pamela with From My Front Porch to Yours
Paula with Sweet Pea
KerryAnne with Shabby Art Boutique
Shanna with Restoration Redoux
Jen with A Girl in the Garage
Julie with Lilacs and Longhorns
Therese with Fresh Idea Studio
Sonya with At Home with the Barkers
Angie with Postcards from the Ridge
Anne with White Lace Cottage
Amy with Atta Girl Says
Christie with Our Southern Home
Sondra with Sondra Lyn at Home
Angie with Knick of Time
Barbara with The Everyday Home
What a fabulous Christmas tour.
Festive hugs – Kerryanne
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The owls, the tree and the crate are adorable ♥
Family always comes first, best of wishes to your father!
Have a lovely day,
Thank you Diana. Yes, family must always come first and sometimes we need that reminder to put everything in perspective. xx
What a darling darling tree!!
Thank you Pamela… gosh, I think it is darling too. The owls made me smile when I came out of my room this morning. 🙂
If anyone can do a shabby chic woodland theme it’s you my creative friend…this is my favorite woodland theme tree I’ve seen so far this year…and lots of people have them, including myself!!!
The owls are just perfection and spraying your tree with watered down paint!!!! Brilliant! I’m pinning and sharing…everyone needs to see your tree 🙂 xo
Thank you for sharing Robin. I had a lot of fun with this tree and creating the owls. I usually shy away from doing the ‘in’ thing, but who can resist little woodland animals! Hugs xx
Oh and I forgot to say earlier…I’m so very sorry about your dad…I pray he is recovering and will be back on his feet soon xo
So sorry to hear about your dad! You did an amazing job on this I love everything about it and your owls are just too cute!
Thank you Tammy 🙂
I can’t believe you painted those! So cute! Excellent job my friend! Pinning!
Thanks for sharing Shanna. Owls always win me over with their big eyes!
I hope all is going well for your Dad, Kerryanne.
I love your stunning, welcoming display. Your owls are adorable.
Toni xx
Thank you Toni xx
Your woodland themed tree looks so pretty and I love how you have displayed it in the vintage crate. The owl decorations that you designed and made are wonderful. You are so talented!
Aww, thanks Paula. We love that crate and I’m so glad we finally found a use for it… and the fact that it is falling apart doesn’t matter.
I LOVE the owls! That is a great spot! HUGE Walmart fan here! It’s my go to spot. Happy to be joining you ladies for the tour. ~Sonya
Thanks for visiting Sonya… I’m just a bit addicted to cute little owls right now. I wish we had Walmart in Australia – we need it!!
What a beautiful space! You touch is perfection. You have a beautiful eye for taste and all things shabby. LOVE that box. It makes it even better that it is falling apart, doesn’t it???
I am hoping your dad is doing better. Family comes first no matter what!
How fun that you discovered Walmart. I would imagine things are even cheaper here on the “mainland”.
Merry Christmas, sweet friend.
It looks so pretty! I love the wooden box. I hope your dad is doing okay. Hugs and prayers sent your way.
this is stunning and your work ond these owls are breathtaking what a gift you pocess.I love all shabby chic the more the shabbier the better. keep it coming.Susie
Your decorating is beautiful, I adore the owls. Kerryanne, best wishes for your Dad.
Oh my goodness, I love your tree! Your owls are absolutely adorable!!!!! I agree, I like Walmart, we are lucky to have a really nice one in our town.
I really like the idea of the tree in the old wood box.
I was thinking of putting a little tree in a straw clothes basket
Love the owls!!! How talented you are. The tree is beautiful and the box is perfect.
I surely hope that your dad is recovering and doing well!
Your tree is adorable with the little owls. It was neat to me to hear your perspective on WalMart … you gotta love the bargains in there.
Your detonator box is so neat! My husband is in the explosives industry so those wooden boxes always catch my eye. I googled it and his company actually manufactures the product that your box once held! That’s so cool to me.
Be still my beating heart !! Absolutely divine and I agree, woodland can be shabbilicious, and if there was ever any doubt, you have provided the proof. And Walmart………how I would love to go there. What lovely momentos of your holiday.
Owls are my thing always, as my dear mum was fond of them and collected a few. When recently away I visited small market where a lady was selling off a small selection of her mum’s collection of 2000, I think she said. I told her my mum also collected but resisted a purchase purely due to the fact that it has to stop somewhere 🙂 In a kind gesture the lady insisted I choose one to take, not buy, as we shared a common bond with our mums. I was touched and my faith in the season renewed. It is in my small woodland style display.
Just gorgeous !
I have a small tree in a crate also – but that’s all mine is – a small tree in a crate – yours is absolutely magical – beautiful job !
Where to begin?! First…I love your welcoming little spot. It is just dreamy. I love the owls, the flocked, snowy look — it’s just so beautiful! Second, I hope your dad is okay. Yes, decorating can definitely wait when family and health concerns arise — priorities. Third, your story about Walmart made me chuckle! I’m glad you found it to be such an amazing place! There is a Walmart about a mile from my house and I am there at least once a week for groceries and I always seem to find something else to make it’s way in to my shopping basket. I guess we Americans just take it for granted that we can find such inexpensive goodies there! I’ll be happy to send you a “Walmart care package” of cosmetics and other goodies sometime, Kerryanne, if you ever want to save a few dollars! 😉 Merry Christmas!
Thank you Julie. My dad is doing well now, but gave us a nasty scare. Times like these are a wake up call that the gifts and trimmings are not the important part of Christmas, family and friends should always be the focus. Ahh, Walmart… quite the adventure. I was definitely dazzled by the prices, but putting it in perspective, are cost of living is much higher, but so too are our wages. I guess it is all relative. Thank you for your kind offer… when our dollar is comparative again I think I’ll head over to the states for some retail therapy;) Merry Christmas xx