It is another beautiful spring day here today and I’m looking forward to painting outside again. The wind is carrying the perfume of my spring garden right down to the studio which just makes me want to be outside. I took this photo this morning of my ‘Lavender Harvest Ladies’ out in my lavender patch. This design was a pattern I designed for use in a magazine a few years ago. It is still very popular and one of my favorites.
Oh my goodness they’re gorgeous and I can smell the lavender from here, mmmm wonderful. So pleased the tooth fairy visited it wasn’t one of mine they’re all here and accounted for :o)
Oh yeah, we love the tooth fairy at our house, but sometimes if the children go to bed too late (ie after 7.30) the tooth fairy doesn’t come (she falls asleep and forgets) so we have to make sure everyone goes to bed early the next day!! it works well! The tooth fairy has even remembered when the tooth was left in the car overnight…you never can tell with those tooth fairies!!! Lovely lavender ladies, we are also a big fans of Lavender..i think it neutralizes the huge amount of coffee we drink sometimes!! Have a great day, KN Linda Lilly Cottage.
Thanks Peg & Linda,
It was a close shave with the tooth fairy on this occassion – she almost forgot to call at out house!!!!
Next to roses, lavender is my fave flower. The perfume is lovely and I have dotted around my whole garden.
Dear Kerry, sorry for posting in an old post. Would you mind to tell me in what magazine was this pattern published many years ago? It is simply gorgeous. All your work is gorgeous. Regards from Buenos Aires, and thanks, Claudia
Hi Claudia,
This project is a really old one that was published in Australian Folk Art and Decorative Painting. I’m afraid I no longer have the magazine so couldn’t actually tell you what issue it was.
Happy painting,