My mum was a country girl.
My dad was a city boy. . .
And when they met and married, they merged two cultures.
I’ll be forever grateful for having the benefit of living both lifestyles. . . but from a young age I knew I was country at heart.
My grandmother was a dairy maid.
My pop was a bullocky. . .
And theirs was a simple country life. . . raising 6 children in a remote country area, living off the land.
[photo House of Lucien]
When I was a child I was mesmerised by that simply country lifestyle . . . where hot water was boiled up in an old copper out the back and carried into the house in steaming buckets to fill a big old claw foot bath.
There, we all bathed in the same water . . . cleanest first, dirtiest last. I recall that often that dirty water was NOT sent down the plug hole, but re-bucketed out onto the garden. . . because tank water was precious and not to be wasted.
My grandparents never had a phone or a car . . . and with the exception of a fridge, there were no modern implements to be found in their kitchen. My Nan baked from scratch, by hand and cooked in a wood fired stove.
[photo House of Lucien]
Furnishings were simple and practical. . . built from solid wood and passed down through generations. Time worn and chippy was a way of life. . . not a decorating style. My Nan’s mis-matched china was practical living at its best and long before shabby chic was an ‘in’ thing.
When I was growing up. . . I wanted to be my Nan.
I wanted to wear pretty aprons. . . and cook in the kitchen with the wood fired stove . . . using eggs from the hen house and fruit and vegies from my garden.
[photo House of Lucien]
I wanted chippy old furniture that belonged to someone’s old aunts, second cousins grandmother. . . and it had to have worn edges and storytelling dents and that old furniture smell.
But most of all. . . I wanted to live in the country where life was simple and peaceful. . . where everyone smiles and says hello. . . and the small things in life are appreciated.
[photo House of Lucien]
One day I did grow up. . .
I married and had a family of my own and moved to the country.
Now I wear aprons and bake with fresh produce . . . and use eggs straight from the hen house.
My house is filled with chippy second hand furniture. . . mis-matched old china . . . and a plethora of vintage items from my Nan’s era.
And I couldn’t be happier!
Do you like looking for lovely vintage wares to fill your home with too?
Well, here’s some exciting news. . . one of my incredible sponsors ‘House of Lucien’ has an amazing offer and a giveaway for the readers of Shabby Art Boutique.
The House of Lucien is an online Etsy shop that sells beautiful vintage house wares for dining and home. Melissa, who carefully curates gorgeous wares like teacups, teapots, silver, fine china and collectibles says that “Love is in the details”. . . and House of Lucien carries items to enhance the beautiful details of life.
For your shopping pleasure House of Lucien is
giving away a $50 gift voucher.
I know. . . how amazing is that!!
A whopping $50 is being gifted to someone to go shopping for pretty vintage wares.
How to enter:
1. Simply pop over and ‘LIKE’ House of Lucien’s NEW Facebook page . . .
2. Next take a peek at the gorgeous House of Lucien shop and pick an item that you’d like to buy if you won the giveaway.
3. Then come back here and tell me what that item is in the comments section of this post.
It’s that simple. . . easy peasy, so get yourself on over there and say ‘hi’ to Melissa.
Contest Conditions:
Open to residents worldwide.
Winner will be drawn by on Saturday 17th November.
But wait, that’s not all. . .
Melissa is so generous. . . she is also offering a 15% store discount at House of Lucien, to Shabby Art Boutique readers during November 2012. The coupon code is SHABBYART. . . so hurry on over to House of Lucien before this discount expires on December 1st.
Hi Kerryanne, Thanks for hosting this generous giveaway! I love the purple vase and the green apron! There’s so much to choose from here! Hope I win! Blessings from Bama!
Hi Kerryanne and Melissa too,
This is a great giveaway. Itwas very hard to choose what I liked best but I narrowd it down to The Wedgwood Joie de Vivre wallhanger and the pretty pink depression glass vase.
I loved so many items but this two tiered cake plate is very similar to dishes I inherited from my mother and would be a great addition! It is the Vintage Red Roses 2 Tiered Cake/Cupcake Stand – Swinnertons – Staffordshire England, Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
Not terribly into flowery cups but I love shiny and functional and the Vintage Chromed Steel Cake Saver/Plate is gorgeous. I also like the Silver serving bowl with Lid. Thinking I’ve watched too much Downton Abbey :).
Hi Kerryanne and melissa, oh wow I would adore the santa St nick plate, its georgeous, there are so many beautiful items it was hard to pick just one
Angela Lougheed
What a fantastic giveaway! Ive had a bit of a peek and spotted the vintage Christmas tin sign, then there was the santa teapot and then I saw some very cute bunny salt and pepper shakers. I think the winner will have a hard time choosing!
Hi kerryanne and Melissa. thanks for a generous giveaway. I love the ruby red fruit plates, ruby res water jug and the treehouse trinket box. oh too much to choose from.
Hi kerryanne and Melissa. thanks for a generous giveaway. I love the ruby red fruit plates, ruby res water jug and the treehouse trinket box. oh too much to choose from.
Hi Kerryanne and Melissa,
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Just love all the beautiful things but especially love the Vintage handpainted dish tray from Prussia. So beautiful and unusual.
Blessings, Julie-Anne
Hi Kerryanne and Melissa, what a generous giveaway, I just love the Vintage Red Rose Tiered cake stand.
I could just imagine serving afternoon tea on it when our craft group gets together on our weekly get together. Thanks Sue
I love the Nippon blue and pink roses sugar (without a lid) and creamer,it’s so pretty. In fact I love most things over there. x
Everything is so lovely–I found several cups and saucers that are so pretty–I love the vintage decanter also…
I liked the Facebook page and I checked out the Etsy shop. I love the Pedestal Candy Dish/Compote with Silverplated Base – Mayflower – Holloware and the Small Glass Cake Plate with Dome. Love the shop. Thanks! Amy
Wow, How do you choose, it’s a hard decision, but i do just loooove the’ Vintage Lehmann Arzberg Cake Plate with Handles and Pink Roses’ also fancy the Gorgeous set of Glasses with stars on, perfect for Christmas lunch.
Thanks so much for the opportunity,
I haven’t finished looking yet but so far have really liked the teacup with pink roses, the vintage sandwich plate with handle, the handmade vintage green apron (shown in your picture above) and the vintage ecru hand embroidered napkins. What a super giveaway 🙂
Wow…such a fabulous offer. I’ve had a lovely browse through the ‘shop’ and there is just sooooooooooo much loveliness there – how could you choose?
I don’t do Facebook so won’t be entering but I have had a lovely time looking at all those fantastic items – good luck to everyone who enters and may the winner have a lot of fun spending their prize.
Toni xx
Oh Kerryanne you had me at the Teacup with Pink Roses – Royal Albert Bone China – England, it reminds me of afternoon teas with my Grandmother Marnie.Melissa as some gorgeous goodies.
Kromex Mid Century Modern 3 Tiered Stand Can I say OMG I completely love this at first look other items too my eye but this just got me soon as I seen it I would be so bad as a impulse buyer XD
Oh my goodness …. looking through their goodies was like looking through my mom’s china cabinet! What a delight. The item that I’d really like is the tartan house of plaid napkin rings but I’d picked out second, and third choices, too. lol
I liked them on Facebook
my favorite item in her etsy shop was the vintage stainless/chrome cake plate and dome..
I liked you on FB.
hmmmm….I really like the Vintage Pillivuyt Porcelain Large Milk Jug/Pitcher – France.
‘Liked’ on FB and I would love the silver scuttle sugar bowl, very pretty an unusual!
What a tough choice…couldnt decide between the “Bunny Creamer and Sugar Bowl” or the “Teacup with Pink Roases”. I have ‘Liked’ on facebook aswell..thanks
What a wonderful selection of goods in Lucien’s. I would start with the enamel tea kettle and then the green apron with the pink embroidery and keep selecting. [email protected]
What a beautiful array of gorgeous wares. I couldn’t go past the Fenton Silver Crest White Milk Glass Rose Bowl with Double Ruffled Rim.
Thank you for hosting this lovely giveaway! Love the vintage items and would choose the Vintage Sandwich Plate with Handle – Sheffield Dresden Imperial Blue.
Hey thank you for this giveaway opportunity. I would buy as many tea cups as I can. I love your story about your mom and dad and nana. I wish my family came from the country……
Beautiful items! I had a hard time but I REALLy love the Shelley Regency Creamer/Sugar set. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
Oh what a great giveaway! Melissa’s shop is absolutely beautiful, and i would chose the Norcrest Dresden Rose cake stand and the Tartan napkin rings. I also love the Large Metal Clam Shell Bowl. So pretty!
I would choose Pretty Vintage Enamelware Pale Yellow Tea Kettle with Pansies England, it’s so gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Oh. My. Goodness. I LOVE old salt & pepper shakers and collect unusual and different ones. If I was the lucky person who won, I would spend the $50 voucher on: 1)the kissing chihuahuas set, 2)the piggy chef with stove set and 3) the handpainted pig set. Yes, all salt & pepper shaker sets. 🙂 They would all make a grand addition to my collection.
Vintage rose tiered cupcake stand is beautiful i would opt for that
[email protected]
I love all those pretty napkin sets.Do I have to just pick one??
I liked lucine on facebook!
liked on facebook and i’d pick the aqua blue water pitcher!
I love the Dream Sweet Dream – Metal Sign/Wall Art with Bird sooooo cute!!!
[email protected]
So many goodies to choose from! I would definitely purchase the blue pottery shell-shaped chip and dip set (for use in my bathroom!), and at least two of the teacup and saucer sets. Everything is so beautiful!
There are so many beautiful things. I would love to get the Vintage Lefton Handpainted Cottage Pink and Blue Kitchen Canisters.
wow, that was hard to pick only one item, I’m guessing all of them isn’t the sort of answer you are looking for 🙂 So, Vintage Mikado ‘Sabrina’ Pink and White Teacups – Set of 2 – Japan, would fit nicely into my home 🙂
[email protected]