Hi creative friends,
If you’re passionate about crafting and always on the lookout for beautiful, high-quality printables and craft projects, you’re in for a treat!
Here at Shabby Art Boutique, I’ve been dedicated to sharing creative joy with you for the past 17 years.
My collection of freebies is vast and ever-growing, and I want you to have instant access to it all!
Here’s how you can get free access to our exclusive printables library:
1. Subscribe to My Weekly Newsletter
By subscribing to my weekly newsletter with just your email address, you’ll gain instant access to my exclusive free printables library.
It’s that simple! New items are constantly being added to keep your creative juices flowing.
2. Instant Access to Freebies
Once you subscribe, you’ll receive a welcome email with the current password to my printables library.
The password is also shared in the weekly newsletter, ensuring you always have the latest and greatest at your fingertips.
3. Explore the Tutorials Page
My Tutorials page is a treasure trove of inspiration, featuring hundreds of free craft tutorials and printables.
Each project is just a click away… simply click on an image to go straight to the tutorial or printable.
Whether you’re into scrapbooking, paper crafting, or home décor, there’s something for everyone.
4. Direct Downloads from Blog Posts
In addition to my newsletter freebies library, many of my free printables are also available directly from my blog posts.
Keep an eye out for new blog posts where I often share exciting new projects and downloadable goodies.
For 17 years, Shabby Art Boutique has been a go-to resource for crafters around the world.
My free content is designed to inspire and delight, helping you bring your creative visions to life.
By subscribing to my newsletter, you become part of a vibrant community that values the joy of crafting.
Looking for Even More Crafting Goodies?
For those who are interested in having access to even more printables, I offer the monthly Craft Room membership for just US$9 per month.
As a member, you’ll join a large community of like-minded ladies and receive a mega kit of printable goodies and video tutorials every month.
It’s the perfect way to take your crafting to the next level!
So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe today and unlock a world of free printables and craft projects.
Whether you’re an experienced crafter or just starting out, Shabby Art Boutique has something special for you.
Happy crafting!
Let’s be friends on….
Get instant access to the free printables in my Newsletter Printables
Library by joining my email newsletter subscriber’s list.
I send out a weekly newsletters with updates on all things
‘shabbilicious’ at Shabby Art Boutique.
I invite you to join our fabulous and friendly
Facebook group – Simply Shabbilicious
where you’ll enjoy our friendly banter and inspirational creativity.
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