Without a doubt, one of the best paint finishes to emerge this century is chalk paint…. don’t we all just love it!
Now I’ve tried quite a few. I’ve even made my own in the early days before we could get it here in Australia.
I’ve painted small objects, big furniture pieces and even a whole kitchen using chalk paint. It’s a paint finish I LOVE!
While all chalk paints are amazing because of their no prep requirements, I have found personally that they do differ in the finished result.
I like some better than others… I bet you do too!
So today’s post is a review of a product I’ve been trialing for 6 months.
While I’m not selling the paint or being paid to advertise this brand, I will disclose that I have been a DecoArt Helping Artist since 2002. DecoArt are the makers of Americana Décor Chalky Finish paint, that I’m discussing today… but like I said, this is not a paid endorsement – it’s purely my personal opinion on a great product.
DecoArt (USA) products are not easy to get in Australia. I sold them online and from my studio for many years, but when we closed the studio in 2013, I stopped stocking them.
I still believe they produce one of the best artist acrylics on the market, so I was keen to try the new Chalky Finish product when the stockist told me they now had it here in Australia.
That was just before Christmas last year and I’ve painted many things with it since then.
Like my clock for example… looks pretty boring in the dark metal finish.
Then I popped out the ‘Rouge’ Chalky Finish, gave it 2 smooth even coats, a quick rub back and then a lick of transparent Crème Wax.
Now she positively POPS!!
Honestly… this is one of those projects that you can whip up a half hour before guests arrive.
I bet some of you don’t believe that happens… right?
Trust me on this one… DIYers are known to paint things at crazy times!
(thrifted spice rack turned craft storage, painted with Innocence)
So let me tell you about my findings on the Americana Chalky Finish…
It’s available in several different sizes; 2oz, 4oz, 8oz and 16oz. I find the 2oz bottles are perfect for those crafty thrift store make-overs, but you’d be better with the larger 8oz jar for large furniture pieces (it covers up to 60 square feet).
The Chalky Finish paint is available in 29 vintage colours, but these are intermixable, which means you can mix them to make even more amazing colours.
Just like other chalk paint brands, this paint requires no priming or prep work. It has a lovely matt, chalky finish, which adheres really well to all surfaces… even those really slick ones. It is water based, so super easy to clean up too.
To give your chalky painted pieces a protective finish, DecoArt have also brought out a range of water based crème waxes in three shades.
I totally love these and much prefer them to the Annie Sloan waxes, (which I previously thought were amazing). Why do I love this product so much? Well… I really like the creamy texture of the wax, as opposed to the solid waxes of the other brands. It just glides on so smoothly. Love it!!!
I do believe that chalk paint of any brand needs a protective layer and this Crème Wax is superb, however, if I was using the chalk paint on an outdoor project I would use a varnish for the protective layer instead.
Now, I’ve been using a brush to apply the wax to my finished projects, but you could certainly use a cloth too. I mostly use the clear wax, but it is available in a medium and a dark brown too. Just remember to apply the coloured wax over a coat of clear wax, so you don’t stain the paint… I’ve already learned that lesson earlier… uugghh!! The wax can be buffed to a high gloss sheen and is a simple soap and water clean up.
Once again, this is not an endorsed or paid review for DecoArt… I’m just sharing my opinion as an artist and user of this product and hope it helps others who may be looking for a great chalk finish paint.
Americana Décor Chalky Finish will be readily available in the US. I’m not sure yet where it is available in Australia. If any of my Australian readers want to try it and can’t access it here, please let me know and I can get it in for you. I wasn’t at this stage considering stocking paint again, but I do still order my paint needs regularly and can get specific things in for customers.
Happy painting ~ Kerryanne
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Your clock has transformed beautifully Kerryanne.
I love the matt effect of the chalk paints and have a number of storage projects on the go using a warm white chalk paint.
Toni xx
Hi Kerryanne, I was just wondering what vanish you would use for outdoor projects. I have a church pew I would like to paint… it was originally inside but we have recently shifted and there is no room for it inside anymore… it seems a shame to put it outside but I don’t really want to sell it either… Would it last outside?
Hi Michelle, I hate putting lovely furniture outside too. I think it doesn’t last in the elements, but if you don’t have a choice, then you need to put on multiple coats of varnish to protect it. DecoArt have their own line of outdoor varnishes – http://decoart.com/chalkyfinish/finishes but you could also visit your local hardware store and ask for advice there. Just be careful not to get a polyurethane that yellows with time. Good luck 🙂
Thank you Kerryanne… I will have a look and see what I can find… though I as still in two minds about it!
Sounds a great product and depending on cost I could be interested in buying some. I use ASCP, and I often paint little bits and some quite large furniture..
I am a big fan of Chalk Paint too Kerryanne! I love your little shelf and the clock…. the colors you chose are so sweet! I am usually not a pink girl but your beautiful projects make me want that pink! Beautiful pictures 🙂
Hi Kerry!!!!
This paint looks and sounds wonderful, I will be making over some furniture pieces soon so might give it a try. Your clock looks amazing!!!! Lots of love honey!!!!! Vik xxxxx
kerry, I’ve been using this paint since it came out. Annie Sloan paint is lovely but out of my retired price range. This brand has replaced my home made version. My home has been transformed piece by lovely piece and I’m still going. If you an get Krylon brand in Austrailia their chalky finish spray paint is great when you want that application.
I have used ASCP and it was ok. I will be trying this paint. thank you.
Hi Kerryanne, I have a question. I have been dreaming of painting my husbands old green leather captains chair, is this product suitable for leather also?
I have been in love with Americana Decor Chalky finish for over a year. it is my absolute favorite paint. I usually very lightly sand with a fine sanding sponge and then buff with a rough paper towel for a subtle luster. I prefer their Ultra Matte Varnish to protect my pieces. Relic and Serene are my favorite colors.
Hi Kerry anne ,
I am Shobana , mother of tow and presently in Australia .
I stay in Adelaide and am really interested in the Americana Decor Chalky finish .Can you pleas tell me where i can source in Australia ?
Pls let me know .Love your blog as a first time visitor
Hi Shobana, I live in the country, so I’m not sure what is available in the city. If you contact the distributor bfda.com.au they will be able to tell you who stocks it in Australia 🙂
I’m not sure if you are still interested but Spotlight now sell the full range.
I to absolutely love all their products
Thanks Julia. I noticed that they have some of the DecoArt range now. I actually order mine in wholesale, but nice knowing I can knick down to Spotlight in an emergency 🙂