One of my favourite aspects of Christmas is this universal need to ‘catch up before Christmas’….
and all that it entails with lots of eating, casual dining, end of year parties, eating, drinks, more eating.
It truly is the ‘silly season’, but oh what fun it all is.
I love to bake at Christmas.
My contribution to the food smorgasbord and ‘bring a plate’ invitation is usually something sweet… mainly because over the years I’ve become the truffle girl. My family and friends have always sang my praises for the humble truffle…. of which I’ve amassed many different recipes and varying flavours and I usually just get told to bring the truffles.
They think I’m super good in the kitchen… you know, it’s all that time consuming rolling of each individual ball and dipping in hot chocolate blah, blah, blah.
Well, if only they knew my secret….
Here’s the thing, truffles will always be my go-to recipe. They are actually quite quick, not difficult, you can’t muck up the recipe, I nearly always have all the ingredients in my pantry and….. truffles freeze so well.
Truffles are fun to make with someone else, making them a great family activity.
My girls and I generally allow a few hours to make several batches. It becomes like an assembly line with truffled being rolled, while others are in the fridge getting cold. Then we move onto dipping in chocolate and decorating.
Another bonus of making several different truffle recipes at once is you get all that mess and cleaning up over and done with just one time and when you are finished you can bag up batches with a mixture of different truffles in each.
Pop them in the freezer and get them out to defrost at least half hour to 45 minutes before serving. When you get those last minute party invites or a call that visitors are on their way, you’ll look super organised when you serve up your pre-made sweet treats!!
I often make different truffles for the various age groups too.
Kids love the bright sprinkles for Christmas and adults are thrilled with a boozy Cherry Brandy Ball…. just make sure you keep the adult versions out of the hands of kids.
So, now that I’ve shared my secret with you, keep it safe. Make chocolate truffles your secret weapon to enjoying ‘the silly season’ of entertaining.
Print my recipe sheet with 3 super quick truffle recipes to try.
Happy baking friends,
Happy Christmas crafting!
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I needed something special to take to a party this weekend and just downloaded your recipe! They look so festive and the ingredient list and directions are so simple! My kind of recipe. Thanks Kerryanne!