Hello 2015…
I look forward to filling your days with amazing adventures, creative endeavors and the simple joy of spending time with my gorgeous family and friends.
Do you feel inspired by the new beginnings and opportunities of a brand new year?
This week I’m filling out diary and calendar dates and making plans for the year ahead.
I made myself a printed calendar to use in my studio and thought you may like it too.
It’s simple with a touch of vintage and can be printed on A4 paper.
I actually printed mine on watercolour paper and love the texture and weight of it.
I’m releasing it in 4 parts, so there will be a download each week for the next 3 weeks.
Part 1 of the free printable calendar that contains January, February and March can be downloaded HERE.
I’m using mine on a clipboard because I have a new area in my office that has 4 of these clipboards hanging on the wall to hold various things… like bills to be paid, orders for Woodberry Designs etc.
This calendar is going to be my quick ‘go to’ calendar for my blog post planning, so I can see at a glance what I have on for the month.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year!!
I hope 2015 is filled with lots of fabulous crafting moments and I look forward to sharing more of my designs and projects with you throughout the year.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
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This calendar looks lovely Kerryanne,I will try it out on my art paper,once I cut it the A4 size,need to top up my ink! Been a bit busy with copier over the recent weeks!
I’m sure you’ll have a great deal of fun with it Betty 🙂
Many thanks, I love your calendars. Happy New Year.
Thank you Pam 🙂
What a lovely way to start 2015 – thank you so much for such a useful gift.
Happy 2015 Kerryanne, may it bring all that you hope for.
Toni xx
Happy New Year to you too Toni. May 2015 be filled with much creativeness, love and laughter xxx
Thank you, so much for this it is so delightful. I love it.
Jilly oxo
Thank you Jilly 🙂
Wish you a happy 2015 Kerryanne! Thanks so much for the calendar, it`s so nice. I`ll use it also to plan my blog! Alexandra
You are welcome Alexandra. Wishing you a fabulous 2nd year of blogging 🙂
Happy New Year.
The calendar is gorgeous, Thank You.
Glad you liked it Beaj 🙂
tous mes vœux
merci pour ce très beau cadeau
douce soirée
Thank you 🙂
I love your 2015 Calendar. Can’t wait until I get the rest of it. Thank you!
Hope you enjoy putting it together Pam 🙂
Thank you Kerryanne, what a lovely way to start the year with your lovely calendar.
Thank you Angela. I’m glad you liked it 🙂
How thoughtful of you, Kerryanne, to create and share with your readers! The calendar is so pretty! Thank you! Blessings from Bama!
Thank you Felecia. I initially designed it for my own use and just knew that others might find it useful and pretty too. 🙂
Thank you so very much , Kerryanne. Love the calendar.
So pleased you like it Jeanne 🙂
OMG, your calendar is gorgeous! I am envious of your creativeness and thank you very much for sharing.
Thank you Dotti. I like the subtle colours and designs of the Victorian era, so it is a pleasure to work with these lovely graphics.
I just want to tell you how much joy you bring to my life!!! I am thrilled with each post. I admire your talent so much!!!
What a lovely thing to say Barb. It fills me with great joy that you find pleasure in my blog. Thank you for supporting my creative journey 🙂
Thanks for the beautiful calendar Kerryanne! Happy New Year!
It’s a pleasure Susan. May the days of your calendar be filled with great joy!
Hi…..Happy New Year.! I find it a bit ridiculous that we’re saying..Happy New Year already…Thanks for sharing your beautiful designs..they are so inspirational..I so enjoy having you come everyday to my inbox..it’s like hearing from a friend…I hope you have a Marvelous 2015…Thanks again..
Aww… thanks Wende. 2014 certainly did fly past way too quickly and I suppose 2015 will be similar. Hope you find some moments to stop and smell the roses this year. 🙂
Oh how beautiful! Thank You and Happy New Year to you as well!
May 2015 be filled many joyous moments for you too Brenda 🙂
Oh it’s lovely Kerryanne! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂 Wishing you sweet beginnings to 2015
Thank you and I hope you have a fabulous 2015 too 🙂
Thank you so much for the gorgeous calendar!! Wishing you a wonderful 2015 🙂
Thank you Sharon. I hope you have fun creating your calendar 🙂
Thank you, love your calendars. I used your calendar last year. Keep mine on a clipboard also. Something I did not do last year but will this year, is to mod podge the clipboard with some pretty fabric.
I’m glad you have enjoyed making the calendars Patricia. A fabric covered clipboard will look great!
Very cute! I featured it in my 2015 free printable calendars selection on my blog.
Happy New Year!
When can we get others Months? Thanks! I Love It!
Hi Min, The calendar printables come out every Wednesday. There will be one later today and another next Wednesday. 🙂
Je vous remercie pour la mise à disposition gratuite de ce si délicat calendrier.
Bonne année 2015