There’s a little bit of excitement in the air here in the studio.
Is it expectation . . . nervous energy . . . or perhaps just anticipation of the fun to follow?
With only a few weeks until Simply Christmas begins here at Shabby Art Boutique, I dare say it is ‘all of the above’.
For the past few weeks I’ve been busy adding the finishing touches to crafty projects and tutorials . . . taking photos . . . arranging giveaways . . . and basically just putting all those little things together that go towards making one big event.
Simply Christmas is jam packed with daily offerings and I certainly couldn’t do all of it on my own . . . so I am immensely grateful to the very talented guest posters who are taking part in this years event.
Let me introduce you to them . . .
KariAnne writes the lifestyle blog, Thistlewood Farm from the back porch of her turn-of-the-century farmhouse in the beautiful rolling hills of Kentucky, USA. She lives with her husband, four children, two dogs, three cats, a giant tortoise, rabbits, deer and a family of turkeys.
KariAnne loves to paint mismatched chairs, listen to the crickets singing in the back pasture, walk hand-in-hand with her knight-in-shining armour as the sun sets over the river and drink sweet tea with lime during a thunderstorm. And she has never met a yard sale sign she didn’t like.
You can follow along with KariAnne at: Thistlewood Farm blog, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
Jenn is the creator of the blog Clean and Scentsible. She lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, with her hubby of 10 years and is a proud Mommy to two beautiful boys. Jenn works part time as a paediatric physiotherapist and full time {with lots of overtime!} as a Mom and homemaker. Once the kids are in bed, she turns into a crafting, decorating, and organizing junkie and blogging often takes her into the wee hours of the morning!
You can follow along with Jen at: Clean and Scentsible blog, Facebook and Pinterest
Kelly from Eclectically Vintage is a wife and mom to identical twin, middle school girls and lives happily in New Jersey, USA.
Her dream came true when she bought a 100-year old run down house that she completely renovated. She believes in mixing vintage and modern to create a truly unique home. Her favourite thing to do is scour flea markets, thrift shop aisles and yes, even the side of the road for unusual finds.
You can follow along with Kelly at: Eclectically Vintage blog, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Fiona from Brighton in Tasmania, Australia, is the designer at Designs by Fee. She is a quilter, stitcher and general crafter and enjoys spending time with her family.
While Fee is well known for her textile designs, she is also an avid gardener and likes to keeps hens and a vegie patch.
Fee has recently opened a new retail outlet, Shabby Shack, which stocks quilting, embroidery and stitchery supplies.
You can follow along with Fee at: Designs by Fee blog, Shabby Shack Shop and Facebook.
All of these ladies are wonderful thrifters, DIYers and creative souls, so I for one can’t wait to see what exciting morsels of Christmas fun they present for us.
I’m sure many of you already know them. . . but if you don’t. . . you really must pop on over and check out their amazing blogs.
Now I’m keen to hear from YOU.
What would you like to see this year. . . can you offer any suggestions . . . is there something you’d like to see more or less of?
Until next time,
I’ll be happy seeing anything that all these lovely folk create – I just love getting ideas in the run up to the Holidays.
Mind you, top of my list is a Christmas Planner so I’ll be keeping an eye out for what you come up with this year c”,)
Toni xx
I am anxious to see everything. I have been buying thing here and there for projects.
More than EXCITED to see what’s new! Love, Rebecca
I am so EXCITED! You always inspire me and I can’t wait to see what everyone has created!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
I am new to your blog so I do not know what Simply Christmas is yet. I do know that I will love it because it has to do wtih Christmas and Creativity. This is my FAVORITE time of the year! Thanks for your blog.
I am very excited to see what you come up with Kerryanne! Anything will be welcome.