Brrrrrrr……..boy it is cold outside!!!!
What’s with this Melbourne weather? I know it is winter and we are suppose to be cold but really, could we not just have one thing at a time. Today there has been gale force winds with a wind chill factor of about 3 degrees, hail, heavy rain and power outages.
I’ve had to go into hibernation. No really – I am serious. I just couldn’t get motivated today which is so unlike me. So with school holidays almost over and the kids stuck indoors and developing cabin fever I had to get creative with the activities before one of them inflicted some sort of irreversible harm on the other.
I had to go to the post office anyway so we rugged up in our winter woollies and dashed out in the only hour today that wasn’t raining ‘cats and dogs’. After running some errands we headed for our local library and filled our bags with all sorts of lovely books. I spent the early afternoon teaching Aimee how to use her new sewing machine and when she finally got bored with that we snuggled up under a warm rug and read our books.
Even Gypsy wasn’t coming out from under her blanket today….. and she has a 2 inch thick wool coat of her own.
Tonight hubby has made us delicious hot chocolates and we are continuing our hibernation on the couch under our ‘Nana rugs’ – these are beautiful hand knitted rugs that my Nana made before she died. Every child, grandchild and great grand child has one and these are truly an heirloom to treasure. The pattern is an unusual one that my nan made up and now my mum is continuing the tradition and knits each new member of the family one of ‘Nana’s rugs’. Even all the dolls cradles has a miniature Nana rug. I guess every family has traditions and this is one of ours.
Art by Ronda Juniper Ray says
BRRRRRRRRR. So glad it’s summer here! Wish I could bottle up our perfect summer-at-the-lake days and send them over. Then you could do the same while we’re in yucky winter on THIS side of the pond.
Sounds like a plan!!
Alison Gibbs says
Mmmm… no, today is no better.
Oh so cold!!!
Bring on 1st September and maybe some Springtime sun.
Adla says
OooOOO Kerryanne, I’m feeling the cold too all the way in the west here. I see that its been snowing in Victoria. Hot chocolate and a snuggle near the heater makes it all the more lazy for anything else doesn’t it. Gypsy seems to agree. Truly Brrrrrrrr
Hugs, Adla
Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies says
Hey Kerryanne! Sounds like you’re coping with winter the same way I am – BADLY! Tee! Hee! Hee! I’m definitely meant to be a bear – not only do I have the same figure, I’m ready to hibernate! Everyone keeps saying we need to have a cold winter so the seasons balance again and we get some rain – not totally convinced of that!!! Roll on Summer, I say!! Will email you soon – have been receiving but unable to send email for three days due to one of Microsoft’s compulsory upgrades – %@$#%@$# Microsoft!! Chat soon – Bear Hugs – and jugs!! :0) KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)
a bite of country cupcakes says
What are you doing to me?????
Where?? How??? Do you make hot choc that looks like that..Yum!
Don’t you just love the hibernation that winter brings theee comfort food,snuggly sox and “nana rugs”