Have you ever noticed that creative people surround themselves with other creative people?
Nearly all of my friends are creative… in one form or another.
I guess we gel because… well, we ‘get’ each other.
They understand creative spurts, mojo zaps…
the need to buy unnecessary crafting supplies…
and picking up other people’s junk from the side of the road.
They happily accompany you on a ‘Op Shop’ road trip to neighbouring towns…
And definitely appreciate a high tea for two under a big old tree on the side of the road… in the middle of nowhere!
Do you have gorgeous creative friends too?
I’m sharing my creative inspiration reminder with these friends this week:
The Scoop, Project Inspired , French Country Cottage,
Sundays at Home, The Inspiration Gallery
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I love that image you did!!! I need that hanging in my living area where I can see it everyday!
Crafting friends understand your frustration when you want to make something but it just isn’t happening. They are also happy to sit in a coffee shop drooling over latest purchases and don’t think it strange that you have to fill in the latest blanks on your colour chart whilst sipping your latte. They will laughingly blame you when they spend too much (blaming you for encouraging them) but will happily adopt that role when you realise you’ve just overspent your budget.
Crafting friends are special because they ‘understand’.
Toni xx
Thank God for my creative friends. Yes, we definitely get each other. Kindred spirits.