Hello creative friends,
We are now two thirds of the way through our yearlong project… A Year of Positivity?
If you are just joining in now, you can still download the previous 7 sets of postcards.
They are absolutely free to download and use in your personal crafting…. be sure to scroll down further to get the links to the previous months posts.
The Positivity project is presented each month as a two page printable PDF file, containing two, 9 cm x 14 cm postcards and one matching envelope.
Each of the cards will contain a positive and inspirational quote and will be designed using a combination of vintage graphics, mixed media and original watercolour artwork…. making then completely unique and one-of-a-kind.
Best of all…. this year long project is completely FREE for you to download and use!
(please see terms of use guidelines at bottom of this post).
August Positivity Cards
One of the postcards and the envelope for the August set feature sweet old fashioned Narcissi flowers.
I’ve seen them popping up in the florist shops here this past few weeks and they always make me smile. Sooo… when I was looking through my collection for postcards to use this month I just knew I had to incorporate this basket of daffodils.
This French postcards dates back to 1904 and was painted by Clara Von Sivers.
The pretty Victorian girl postcard is dated 1911, but is unsigned.
These cards measure 9 cm x 14 cm (3.5” x 5.5”), so are a perfect size to be used in many ways.
How to use the positivity cards:
- Add some pretty ribbon and use as a gift tag
- post them to a friend as ‘happy mail’
- use them as journal cards in a junk journal
- use them in a yearly planner or art journal.
Download the August Positivity Project
Click here —> to download the August project file in A4 size.
Click here —> to download the August project file in letter size (USA).
A Year of Positivity Projects…. so far.
January – If you are new to this year long project, click here for the January printable files.
February – click here for the February printable files.
March – Click this link for March printable files.
April – Click this link for the April printable files.
May – Click this link for the May printable files.
June – Click this link for the June printable files.
July – Click this link for the July printable files.
It gives me great joy to know that you enjoy using these note cards/postcards and envelopes as much as I enjoy creating them… so please don’t be afraid to experiment and use these items in projects that you make for yourself.
The copyright notice below is there to protect both my creative designs and my business and to ensure that individuals understand my terms of use on my free printables.
Terms of Use
The cards and art work, while provided as a free printable here on Shabby Art Boutique, are still covered by copyright and are for personal use only. It is not okay to simply print and sell them as a finished item or sell them as a digital product.
My graphics are not to me used on any commercial items, uploaded for use by print on demand businesses or in handcrafted items on-sold by another business.
I’m always happy to discuss these terms with you, should you have further questions.
Happy crafting my friends!
Let’s be friends on….
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Library by joining my email newsletter subscriber’s list.
I send out a weekly newsletters with updates on all things
‘shabbilicious’ at Shabby Art Boutique.
So pretty! Love these colors. Thanks!
These are so wonderful! I love this series. thanks so much!
Thank you so much for sharing these sweet printables. How is the year flying by so fast? It seems like you just started January a couple weeks ago!
Thank you ever so much Kerryanne! They are so pretty and inspiring!
I absolutely love these!! I am so glad I found your website 🙂
I think these are my favorite from the whole year. Thank you for sharing!
Hi, Kerryanne!
Thank you, Very, Very much. Y love your shabby ART, so cute, so pretty. August is my birthday, my gift so kind ❤️
Lovely as always! Thank you!