Hello ‘shabbilicious’ friends,
It’s lovely to be back after having a couple of weeks away from my blog whilst I moved house.
First, I must say a huge thank you to the lovely ladies who have guest posted in my absence. . . weren’t their projects exceptional!!!
If you missed them, please take a look. . .
Linda from Mason Jar Crafts Love was first up with her tutorial on painting mason jars.
Kelly from My Soulful Home shared her lovely heart on a wire project,
Sheila from Plum Doodles gave us a step-by-step on her thrifted picnic basket transformation,
And Laura from Elegant Nest shared her terrific quick and easy DIY Memory Keeper project.
I honestly can not thank these ladies enough!!
The past few weeks have been quite eventful . . . some of it good . . . some not so good!!!
Time… is a great healer. . . with the passage of time we can look back on a bad situation and recall it in a better light.
In fact, this weekend I was able to recall one of our ‘bad situations’ with a certain amount of jocularity.
And I can tell you that was not the case a few weeks ago!!
Anyone who has ever put their home up for sale knows only too well that this qualifies as one of life’s hell moments.
The whole notion of keeping the family home perfectly presented for weeks on end and enduring endless inspections and people invading your home is enough to unhinge even the most stable person.
I’m pretty sure that I had arrived at that precise ‘unhinged’ moment in time a few weeks back. . . 5 minutes before an open for inspection to be exact.
Naturally, I blame my husband for the whole hullabaloo that lead to the ‘bad situation’.
It was he who gave the dog a small bowl of left over spaghetti bolognaise, just minutes before prospective buyers were due to descend on our home.
While this gourmet and garlicky Italian staple may be a family favourite, the same cannot be said for our old dog who disappeared to our bedroom moments later to regurgitate the contents of her stomach. . . on our bed cover!
There it was. . . a bright red tomato-y stain at the end of the bed.
I know your first thought would be to rip that cover off and quickly change it for a fresh one.
That was my first thought too. . . until I remembered in my big pre-sale clean up I thought it was a good idea to dispose of all unwanted linen. With plans to buy new linen for my next house I assumed one cover would see us through for a bit. . . WRONG!
Okay, so this was probably the moment where I may have become ‘unhinged’. I’m told that I rushed around like a maniac, cleaning the cover and screaming jibberish. . . although I’m pretty sure my jibberish was in fact plain English mixed with despair and panic.
Awesome cleaning aside, that stain was not coming out of the bed cover and now I also had a big old wet patch as well.
With only a minute or two to spare my daughter armed with a hairdryer did her best to dry the cover while I searched the linen cupboard for something to hide the stain.
And that’s how the pale blue throw rug came to be nonchalantly draped across the end of our bed. . . just as the first people rocked up the driveway.
So here we are a few weeks on . . . . my house was sold pretty quickly . . . in fact, the buyers came through on that same ‘bed disaster’ day and we agreed on a short settlement.
Since then we’ve packed, moved and unpacked and now with the passage of time I can look back on that crazy day and smile. Thankfully, a pretty bedroom vignette was enough to stop people lifting the pale blue throw rug to reveal the horrid red satin. . . and my shame!!
I’m linking up my house selling horror story at these fabulous parties: Inspiration Exchange, Live Laugh Rowe, The DIY Dreamer, Tutorials, Tips & Tidbits, Blissful White Wednesday, Transformation Thursday, French Country Cottage, The Vintage Farmhouse, 36th Avenue, Be Inspired Friday at Common Ground.
I’d be thrilled if you’d like to connect with me at the following places. . .
or if you’d like my posts delivered directly to your Inbox
Oh Kerryanne !!! You survived and the house was sold. So now it is a funny story, but then…UGH!! Thanks for the “thanks” but no need. Absolutely my pleasure to guest post for you..
We’ve had a few instances like that over the past few weeks Kelly and I recon if we can survive this house move and business take over, we can do anything as a family!
I look forward now to getting life back on a more even keel and simply enjoying my new surroundings.
Thanks for your support over the past few weeks.
Glad to hear you survived the move. Your ladies did a fab job with some super shabby delights.
I do not envy you the stress of that bad situation but you came through and all has worked out well – as Kelly says, now that it is over you can laugh about it but I’m sure it didn’t feel like that at the time.
I wish you & the family all the very best in your new home.
Toni xx
Thanks Toni. Things always seem far worse when you are in a hurry or stressed, but it all ended well. I had terrible visions of someone lifting up the blue throw rug or straightening it and seeing that awful big red patch on an off-white doona cover. lol…. maybe they did lift it up and quickly replaced it in horror!!
The worst is over! Glad you made it through. It shouldn’t have to be so stressful to move house! I hope you enjoy settling in.
Thank you Jacqueline. I think accepting a very short 3 week settlement was our undoing. Trying to do everything in a hurry is never wise, but we did it. We are in our new home and learning all about our the business we purcahsed, which is both exciting and very scary. My mind should be fully on learning new skills, however, I’m daydreaming about new colour schemes and redecorating – lol.
I’m hearing you Kerryanne, the first couple who walked through our door bought the house and we still had to find another pronto!
We are moving on Friday and I am beside myself as we are moving to a country town (I’m a complete townie) and the hose is bigger and has half acre of garden BUT there is no pantry , no laundry cupboards, no built in display kitchen cabinets, no wardrobes…ARGHHHH.IGHHH !!!!!! why did I ever listen to hubs (did I mention no white walls, woodwork or chandeliers)
I’m feeling your pain Meg!! Your move sounds a lot like ours. While I’m enjoying the new surroundings and looking forward to renovating, I’m completely frustrated with lack of cupboard and pantry space. Thank goodness for Pinterest and Hometalk. I’m making lots of inspiration boards and a DIY ‘To-Do’ list…. and there will be lots of wall painting and chandelier hanging very soon.
Oh your poor thing !! I got the visuals and felt your horror. Yes it is a very stressful time isn’t it? So glad you are all settled now and looking forward to seeing your new home.
Hugs – Fee x
Thanks Fee. I hope I don’t have too many house moves in my lifetime. I’m just not cut out for it!!
I look forward to sharing my new home with you all very soon.
Kerryanne xx
Oh, I would’ve definitely become ‘unhinged’, too!! Thankfully it all worked out in the end! 🙂 Good luck getting settled in.
Thank you Susan. Glad to know someone else would react like me. 🙂
I’m a bit of a perfectionist and while I wish I could be one of those ‘fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants’ kind of girls, I just can’t. Last minute disruptions certainly got me in a flap.
Pleased to be in our new home and can’t wait to settle back into our normal routine.
Hey Kerryanne! Oh dear!! Will you forgive me if I confess to killing myself laughing at the mental picture I had of you racing around ‘jibbering’ and waving your arms AND a wet doona cover around in the air?! :0) Glad it all worked out in the end … the buyers will probably be inspired to drape a throw rug over the end of ther own bed since yours looked so stylish!! Tee! Hee! Hee! Poor Gypsy … hope she recovered her poise. Glad to hear you’re all moved into your new place … looking foward to hearing all about your new home and business adventures. Bear Hugs! KRIS
Hello my friend,
Yes… a funny visual for everyone else and not one of my finer moments – lol. Pleased to sell my home so quickly so we didn’t have to endure that kind of lunacy for too long.
All moved in… not quite settled yet and still lots to do, but looking forward to making it our home. Will definitely catch up with you in the next few days.